C h a p t e r F i v e

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"I see you took my advice, Pepino," Hueso called as Leo stepped into the restaurant.

"I couldn't turn down an offer of more not-free pizza," Leo chuckled, scratching the back of his head, "So where is..?"

"Aye niño, you don't even know his name?" Hueso put his hand to his forehead.

"I've seen the guy once, don't judge me!" Leo argued, his face going red.

"You've come years too late to ask me not to judge, Pepino," Hueso slid his hand down his face, "His name is Usagi, don't expect any further assistance on my part."

"Thank you Señor!" Leo called, nearly sitting at a table already. He excitedly patted the table, glancing around the room. He spotted Usagi and smiled, the rabbit looked taken aback and strode quickly over to the table.

"Hey, anything I can get for you?" Usagi asked, "Water maybe?"

"Sure!" Leo said, smiling, "and get something for yourself, on my tab of course."

Usagi blinked awkwardly, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Leo said, putting his arms behind his head.

Usagi rushed off, and Leo began anxiously tapping the table, wondering if Usagi even take the offer.

Usagi returned only a few minutes later, two glasses and a pitcher of water in tow. Leo smiled excitedly as the rabbit sat down and poured himself a glass.

"So, ah, where's your family this time around?" Usagi questioned.

"School, work, y'know, family things." Leo chuckled.

"School?" Usagi tilted his head, "Oh, the humans, how did you manage to meet them?"

"I've known April since I was a tot, and Cassandra, well, she was kind of part of a ninja cult... My brothers and I fought her a lot..." Leo rubbed his neck, "And I guess you could say we just stumbled into Casey at a convenient time."

Usagi nodded enthusiastically, "That's interesting, I actually met-" He paused, a pained look lingering in his eyes, "Nevermind."

Leo's smile fell seeing Usagi's mood change, he reached a hand out to touch the rabbit's to comfort him, "Usagi, right? Look, you don't have to talk about things you don't like remembering, you don't have to talk to me at all if you don't want to, in fact, I can leave if I'm making you uncomfortable." He began to retract his hand, but Usagi stopped him.

"That's not it at all, they're good memories, they just hurt right now because things have changed, I actually have liked talking to you... Erm, what's your name?"

Leo's eyes widened, "Oh how rude of me mi amor, Leonardo Hamato, at your service." He stood up goofily and bowed.

"Leonardo..." Usagi mumbled.

"Leo, if you please." The slider smiled and sat back down. "Or Leon, or Nardo, whichever you like best."

Usagi giggled at the display, taking a sip of his water, "Well then Leo, you can add this rabbit to your obviously long list of friends, that is if you'll have me."

"That would make this turtle a very happy man." Leo smiled, setting his elbows on the table and resting his head in his hands.

"Alright Conejito, enough flirting, get back to work." Hueso tapped Usagi on the head with a newspaper.

"I was not-!" Usagi scrambled to stand, his face heating up. Leo chuckled and stood up.

"I should be on my way, wouldn't want to distract your employees too much, Señor." Leo caught Usagi's eye and winked, causing the rabbit's eyes to widen.

"Oh stop!" Usagi scrunched up his nose, but he was giggling, his face a faint shade of pink underneath his fur.

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