C h a p t e r S e v e n

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Leo sighed, of course, he was at Run of the Mill again. What was he even thinking?? He knew he needed comfort after his particularly awful night, but he couldn't get it from his brothers, not with the cause being what it was.

So his instinct was to go to Usagi? He confused even himself sometimes, but this just felt right to him. He stepped into the yokai-filled restraint to be greeted by the familiar scent of Hueso's pizza.

Leo glanced at Señor Hueso, rubbing his eyes, "Hot chocolate, please, Señor." The bone yokai looked Leo over worriedly in response to the turtle's lack of energy.

"Café." He said, as if correcting Leo. The slider shrugged and sat down, and was soon joined by a white rabbit, Usagi.

"Hey, Leo!" Usagi smiled, setting a mug of coffee down in front of the turtle gingerly.

Leo looked up at the rabbit and smiled, "Hey, Usagi, care to join me?"

Usagi paused, considering the invitation for a moment, but he shook his head, "I can't, it's too early to take a lunch break."

"Oh," Leo's face fell, "Alright."

Usagi furrowed his brows in thought, "Maybe... Have you been around the topside much?"

"Amigo, I've lived topside since I can remember, I know my way around." Leo smiled.

"How about, after my shift, we head to central park? I've heard about it but haven't had time to go..." Usagi smiled and reached up at his ears, tugging on one.

Leo narrowed his eyes as a smug smile spread over his face, "Are you asking me on a date?"

Usagi's eyes widened, and below his fur, his face went pink, "Oh no no no, I just want to hang out."

Leo kept his eyes narrowed in faked skepticism.

"As friends," Usagi added.

"Meet here at..?" Leo questioned.

"Four." Usagi finished.

"I'll be here, bunny boy," Leo said, finishing his coffee, setting his payment on the table, and sliding it towards Usagi.


"April-" Leo started.

"No, Sunita needs her brooch." April sighed.


"No." April put her hands on her hips, firmly pressing her lips together.

"If I may interject," Sunita said, standing up off of the couch in April's apartment, "I don't mind if he borrows it, it's just for one night, April and I can just go to Hueso's tonight, I've been meaning to visit anyway."

April sighed, "Why do you need it anyways?"

"A new friend of mine wants to go to central park," Leo stated.

April's expression widened into a sly smile, "A date, huh?"

"No, he explicitly said that it's not a date, he 'just wants to hang out'," Leo whined.

"Mhm." Sunita reached her hand out, in her palm was a green and gold brooch, her cloaking brooch.

"Thank you!!" Leo called out quickly, he took the brooch and was out the door in seconds.


"Sagi!" Usagi heard Leo calling from the front of the restaurant, he glanced over to see Leo waving goofily and pointing to something in his hand. Leo paused to attach this thing to his sash, and in a blur of green and blue, he changed shape into a human. Human Leo smiled at Usagi, scrunching his nose up and squeezing his eyes closed. At this Usagi felt his cheeks heating up.

Usagi shook his head, focusing quickly on finishing his work before clocking out, waving to Hueso as he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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