Chapter 3: I can be casual

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Rory wrote the story about the secret society. She jumped from a seven-story high scaffold with an umbrella in her hand. For the first time in her life, she was being adventurous.  

She had attended a party at her grandparents, and she was happy because they were actually getting along. When she found out her grandparents were trying to get her to break things off with Dean. 

She was upset when she found out. All her grandparent's friends had sons. Then after talking to numerous guys who were supposed to be my perfect match. Logan, of all people, was the one to rescue me.

He showed up and pretended to be my boyfriend. Then we formed a sub party which is something I had never heard of. Finn and Colin were there as well. We had fun playing some games then I realized that Dean was supposed to meet me. 

I had completely lost track of time, and he had been waiting for me for a little bit. Well, all the guys decided they wanted to see the guy I had been dating, so they all followed me out to the front, and there was Dean.

He saw all the preppy-dressed guys following behind me and decided that he didn't deserve me. He broke up with me in front of all the guys standing there. 

I was embarrassed and humiliated that is the second time he has ended our relationship in front of people. I was upset and crying. I don't think I was upset because he ended our relationship I think I was more upset that he did it in front of people I attended school with.

I mean, we barely had time to see each other. He was working at Doose's and with Tom. While I was busy with school. He was upset with me when I canceled our date to write the story on the Life and Death Brigade. 

She was really upset with Logan when he, Colin, and Finn played a prank on her during her class. She had called him all sorts of mean names, and then she had fallen for him at her grandparent's vow renewal, and they had been sleeping together for weeks now. 

So, anyway, my grandparents decided to renew their vows, and Logan was there. He had been giving me vibes like he was interested, then he showed up with some pretty blonde and his parents.

Needless to say, that night, we made out in the dressing room, and we got caught by mom, dad, and Luke, who were arguing.

Dad had shown up pretty trashed trying to get back together with mom. That night Luke left, and mom was upset with grandma. 

I thought we were doing good. I thought he was starting to care, but then I hadn't heard from him in almost a week. I am upset and decide to go to Stars Hollow.

That was the day after I had thought I was going to hang out with Logan alone, and then the guys were there playing poker. I had fallen asleep on the couch and then woke up, got the call, and was driven down by Frank Logan's limo driver to help her. I set up her tv and a ton of junk food for her before I left to return to campus. 

I was very upset when I watched them play poker, and then he told me he would be out of town for a week, but when he returned, we would do something just us. When he showed up, I was watching duck soup with Marty. He and the entire gang were going out for dinner and invited us. 

It wasn't just us then Marty didn't have enough money to pay for his meal, so I had to give him enough money. He was embarrassed. I walked back with Marty, and he told me that he liked me, and I told him I liked Logan. He looked so sad as he walked away.  

Logan had shown up at my room and came through the window, so he didn't have to deal with Paris. That was the first night we had slept together.

I arrived in Stars Hollow and decided to do a movie night with mom since she and Luke had split up a couple of weeks ago. She was still torn up about that. I knew she needed me, and besides, Logan and I are just casual. 

I had thought I could really do casual, but when mom and I were in town the other day, and I saw Logan feeding a girl, it really upset me. I think mom could tell I was upset when I saw him. 

We went back to her house after our weekend together and just relaxed and watched tv. I know I shouldn't be upset seeing him out, but I am, damn it. 

I decided to go back to Stars Hollow for the weekend. They are opening the Twickham house museum. Paris was upset because Doyle hadn't called her either, and she showed up at moms. 

Then we ran into Lane in town, and she was upset because Zach had been acting weird he didn't want to go shopping with her, and she realized he has been disappearing and lying to her, telling her he had plans but then went to the music store. 

All three of them were sitting out front and getting drunk on the founder's day punch Miss Patty had made. It was really strong. Lane decides to take off to confront Zach, Paris had gone to go find a bathroom, and that was a little bit ago, and she hadn't returned yet.   

Lorelai had finished her tour, and she wanted to go back through it with Rory. When she came out, she realized Rory was drunk, so she took her home. 

Lorelai was so mad after she heard Rory crying, puking from the amount of founder's day punch she had drank, and she finally passed out on the floor. She had cried, asking why she wasn't enough for him and why didn't he care.

She hadn't heard from Logan in over a week, she had seen him in town with that other girl previous to that, and she was done.  

Rory returned to school still not feeling great and laid back down she had decided she was going to have a talk with Logan.

Later that day, she wakes up and decides to go to the library after she showers. She heads over to the library, and she is sitting there reading. 

"Hey, Rory, how are you doing?"

Rory looks up and sees Robert standing there, she didn't know him very well. He was pretty rude at the secret society event and at the poker game.

"Hey, Robert, I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm good. Hey, I wanted to ask you a question, um Finn, is having a Quentin Tarantino themed-party, would you be my date?"

"Um, yeah, sure, that sounds great."

"Really? Great, I will pick you up at seven. Wear anything related to Quentin Tarantino movies."

Rory is thinking that if Logan can play this game, so can she. She sits back and just smiles payback is great, she thinks to herself.   

She was feeling pretty proud of herself. She placed her bookmark in her book and closed it. She went back to her dorm to figure out what to wear to the party. 

She was upset that Logan hadn't invited her, but heck, she hadn't heard from him in over a week. She decided to go as a go-go girl since she had her Chilton uniform. 

She knew Lorelai would be upset, so she was trying to act like she really knew the guy she was going out with. The only reason she knew his last name was because Logan called him Grimaldi one night. Like they all call Logan Huntz.

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