Chapter 45: Rehearsal Dinner

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14 Weeks later, on January 11, 2008:

It is the night before our wedding these last ten weeks have flown by so quickly. Rory and Tristan have everything ready to leave tomorrow after the reception.

They did the exact same thing as she and Robert had planned a small intimate ceremony with only family and close friends and then a huge reception. 

Emily and Kate planned the entire reception except for the food, the cakes, and the music. Rory was dressed in a dark blue silk dress that matched Tristan's suit.

She and Tristan had agreed to spend the night apart because of tradition Rory was excited to get married, but she wasn't excited to spend the night without Tristan. 

She was staying the night in a hotel in downtown Hartford with her bridesmaids. Lane was her matron of honor, and Paris, Steph, Juliette, and Bobbie were her bridesmaids. 

Tristan had chosen Finn as his best man, and Colin, Logan, Seth, and Alex were his groomsmen. He wanted to include Alex since Chris would be walking Rory down the aisle he asked him to be a groomsman.

Tonight, they were doing the rehearsal at the church, and then they were going to dinner at the Dragonfly. Sookie was preparing a nice meal for everyone.

Rory had invited most of the people in town to our wedding, and that was fine because they were people she had grown up with. Luke got married in November of last year.

Lorelai, Alex, Chris, his new girlfriend Katrina, mom, and dad spent the night at our house on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve we celebrated the holidays together as a family. 

Surprisingly my parents have been really good since Rory, and I got together. Mom and Lorelai get along great. 

In less than twenty-four hours, I will marry Rory, and she will finally be my wife. I look up to the sky and say a little prayer to Robert.

Rory and I decided to set a place for Robert with his picture so that he will be remembered. Had Robert not given us the chance to see what was between us, he wasn't sure Rory would have ever given him a chance, even after Robert died. 

So, he would always be grateful to Robert for the life he was living right now. Robert would always hold a special place in his and Rory's hearts, and he would always be remembered by them. 

Logan was surprised that I allowed Rory to make the shadow box and hang it on our wall. He said that wasn't appropriate for her to even want to have that. I explained that I am the one that suggested it and that Robert was Rory's fiance' and my friend.

I put my jacket on as Rory steps out of the dressing room, and she looks gorgeous, like a diamond in the sky. 

She has her hair curled at the ends in a spiral curl, she is wearing a light amount of makeup which is perfect it allows her natural beauty to show. 

She walks over to me and straightens my tie as she steps on her tiptoes and kisses me. We have to meet the wedding party at the church in thirty minutes. 

I am still dazed by her beauty and am still shocked that she is going to be my wife in twenty-two hours. 

"Tris, babe, hello, earth to Tristan."

"Yea, um, sorry, I was dazed by your beauty."

"Tristan, it's just me, babe. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am. Which car are we driving?"

"Let's take the Porche, I had the implant removed two weeks ago, and maybe when we return from our honeymoon, we might be pregnant. So, let's drive it as much as possible before then."

"Alright, Porche, it is, and I can't wait for you to have my baby."

"Me either, babe. I am kind of excited to have a baby. Even Robert and I had decided to wait for a year after we got married, but you said you wanted us to have children right away."

"Do you want to wait, baby? I know you seemed happy when I mentioned it."

"No, I don't want to wait, I can't wait to get pregnant and start our family. I love you, and you love me. Tomorrow we will become husband and wife there is no reason to wait. You don't travel for work much, so I am ready to start our family."

"Okay, good and me too." He held her hand as they left, he locked the door and opened the garage door. He helped her in, and they made their way to Stars Hollow.

When they arrived, he helped her out just as Lorelai and Alex walked over. They lived close to the church, so they walked.  

Logan, Bobbie, Finn, and Steph were standing there talking. They all walked up and hugged each other. 

"My goodness, love, you are so beautiful. Are you sure you don't want to run away and marry me instead?"

"Thank you, Finn, but no, Tristan holds my heart, and tomorrow we will be married." Tristan smiled at her and leaned over and kissed her. 

Just as Pastor Skinner stepped out, "you two just radiate love. Alright, are we ready to get started I have a rotary club meeting tonight after your rehearsal."

"Oh, yeah, well, everyone isn't here yet."

"Where is everyone, I mean, we have been waiting for what feels like forever," Paris stated as she stepped outside. Just as Lane came behind her. 

They started walking in when Juliette, Seth, and Colin pulled up. "Sorry guys, we got lost, but we made it finally."

They all walked in and went through the rehearsal her grandparents walked down first, followed by Tristan's parents, then Lorelai would be escorted down the aisle. They walked through the entire ceremony. 

Bella and Anna were flower girls, and Ryan was the ring bearer. Rory was so scared to ask Mandi and Shannon, but she finally did, and they were so excited. 

Rehearsal went smoothly, and when they were finished, everyone headed to the Dragonfly. They all walked in, and Sookie was jumping around. 

Sookie had prepared cornish hens, with steamed vegetables, Zucchini soup, and a salad. They all sat down and enjoyed dinner. 

"Everything was great, Sookie, thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Rory, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I still can't believe you are all grown up." She dried her eyes and hugged Rory.

Rory and Tristan had already taken her bags to the room earlier that day. They took her dress, heels, makeup bag, and overnight bag. Tristan drove her to the hotel as he and the guys were hanging out at their house when he returned.  

Rory had given all the girls their room keys at the rehearsal dinner they had rented three rooms with two beds in each room. Rory and Lane were sharing Paris and Bobbie, and Juliette and Steph. They had to meet at the dance studio at eleven to start their hair and makeup.

Tristan parked the car and walked her in. They went on the elevator, and when they arrived at her room, he stood there and held her.

"I am going to miss you tonight. Eighteen hours and fifty-six minutes until we get married. That's all we will be apart. I love you, Rory and I can't wait to become your husband."

"I'm going to miss you too, sweetie. I can't wait to become your wife, I love you, and I will see you tomorrow. I'll be the one in white." She leaned in and kissed him a deep passionate kiss. 

"I will be the one at the end of the aisle waiting on you to join me." 

She stood there and watched him walk to the elevator, "eighteen hours and forty-nine minutes." He smiled as he stepped on the elevator. She walked into her room and sat her purse down. She was completely and totally in love with Tristan. 

She looked up to the sky and said a silent prayer to Robert. She apologized for falling in love with Tristan on their weekend away before Robert was killed. 

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