Chapter 5: Dating is fun

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Rory and Robert are going on their first official date tonight. Rory is a nervous wreck, and Logan won't leave her alone. 

He keeps texting her and telling her he's so sorry and he wants to be with her and only her. Yet, he's still sleeping around, and she wants to be with Robert.

She is trying to find something cute to wear, and she doesn't know if she should dress casually or dressy.

Just then, her phone beeps, and she sees a message from Robert, it reads dress casually tonight. She smiles at the fact she was just trying to figure out what to wear, and somehow he knew.

She throws on a pair of jeans that fit her snugly and a grey top that fits her really well. She throws on her black boots. She curls her hair and applies her makeup. She had just finished switching into her black purse when someone knocks on the door.

She walks over and answers it, expecting Robert, but instead, there stands Logan."

"Hey, Ace, can we talk for a minute? You look nice, really beautiful."

"Logan, I have already said all that I needed to say. I have a date with Robert I thought you were him, he will be here any minute."

"Well, I haven't. You have not responded to any of my messages or returned any of my calls."

"Fine, Logan, two minutes." She steps back and lets him in.  

"Look, Rory, I was stupid, and I didn't realize what you meant until you ended it. I didn't even realize I was jealous until you showed up with Robert."

"Logan, I had not heard from you in over a week. Then, I show up to a party I didn't even know about with Robert, and now you want to change everything. It's more about the fact you don't want me to be with him."

"Yes, I don't want you to be with him, but I don't want you to be with anyone but me." Just then, someone knocked on her door, and she opened the door. Robert was standing there smiling. 

"Hey, Robert, come on in because Logan is here." Robert looked into her eyes, and he could tell she didn't want to deal with Logan. 

He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, "I will get rid of him." She gave him a smile that said thanks. 

Robert stepped in and wrapped his arm around Rory's shoulder. "Hey, Logan, what brings you here?"

"Hey, Robert, I just needed to talk to Ace for a minute. Is there any way you can give us a few minutes?"

"Logan, I don't think Rory wants to talk to you. We have dinner plans, and she looks famished. Logan, I think it's best if you don't show up uninvited or unannounced to her dorm."

"You aren't her boss, Robert. Let her speak for herself."

"Logan, I have told you, but you didn't listen. I haven't responded to your calls, voicemails, or texts because I didn't want to. As I said at Finn's party, it was great, but it's over. Now, please don't show up here again."

"That's fine enjoy my leftovers, Robert. She's a pretty good lay and was easy for me." He said as he brushed Robert's shoulder. Robert turned around and tapped Logan on the shoulder just as he opened her door. Robert punched him in the jaw.

"Don't ever disrespect her like that again." Logan stumbled out the door as Rory slammed it in his face.

"Thank you, Robert. Let me see your hand." His knuckles were red. "Let me get you some ice.

He stopped her, "it's fine, Rory. I promise I'm fine. I'm sorry about what he said, he's a jerk." he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.    

"He just showed me who the jerk was. Do you still feel like going out?"

"Of course, he isn't ruining my night with a beautiful lady. You know I don't think that, and that's not the reason I am with you, right?"

"I know that, and I'm not easy to get into bed. Logan is only the second person I have slept with. I am just so mad at him." She smiled at him, and they left her dorm. He held her hand with the hand he didn't punch Logan with.   

They walked to his car, and he opened the door. He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her a gentle soft kiss. She sat down, and he shut the door and then climbed in. 

"What would you like to eat? There's Mexican, pizza, and The noodle house." 

"Pizza sounds really great."

"Pizza it is, then." He drove them to Est Est Est pizza. He opened her door after he parked and helped her out. They walked in and found a quiet booth in the corner. They sat down, and each ordered a medium pizza with different toppings Rory got pepperoni, bacon, and ham. Robert ordered a bbq chicken pizza, they ordered fourteen-piece wings and a couple of beers. 

They sat there chatting until their food arrived. Robert looked at Rory, "So, you're really going to eat that whole thing and half of these wings?"

"Yep, just watch me. I may be from society, but I actually eat real food and lots of it." He smiled at her as they touched their slices of pizza together, like saying cheers. They both dug in, and about thirty minutes later, Rory tossed her last chicken wing bone down.

Robert had just finished his meal about two minutes before her. They had both eaten all the food and drank three beers. He smiled at her as he sat back. 

"Alright, what next? There's a pub about two blocks away, it is exclusive to Yale students. Or we could go to a movie, or for a walk. I will leave it up to you."

"Let's go to the pub. We can dance or listen to music."      

He smiled at her, threw down eighty dollars and helped her up. He drove them to Gryphon's pub. He helped her out, and they went in after showing their Yale Id cards. They went to the back and got a high-top table. He helped her up, and they ordered their drinks.

They sat there for about thirty minutes just talking, he sat beside her rather than across from her. They talked and laughed she was having a great time.

"You wanna play a game of pool?"

"Sure, altho I don't really know how to play."

"Come on, I will help you." He found her a good stick and helped her rub chalk on her hand. He showed her how to hold it when he broke the balls. He got a striped ball in and explained to her that she would be solids.  

It was her turn, he stood behind her and placed his hands on hers to help her. He lined up the shot and helped her shoot it. 

She had never played pool before, but that was really sexy the way he leaned up against her to help her shoot the stick. She got it in.

"Can you help me again?" He smiled and stood behind her.

He spoke lowly in her ear, almost seductively, "so, I take it you like my help and me standing so close to you?"

"Very much so," she smiled back at him. 

They finished their game Robert won, but Rory really enjoyed learning how to play. They played a game of darts and danced to a few songs. He paid the tab, and they walked out holding hands. They were laughing as he walked them to the car, he pressed her against the car and kissed her.

"I really had a great time tonight."

"So, did I thank you for a great night." He helped her in and drove her back to her dorm. He helped her out and walked her to her door. He kissed her, "good night, Rory."

"Good night, Robert." He watched her walk in and then went back to his car. Their kisses were kinda electric. He had never felt like this before with anyone. 

She walked in and shut the door. She leaned up against it and took a deep breath. She had never felt what she feels when he kisses her. It feels like being shocked would feel like. She walks to her room and lies down, thinking of how great their night was.

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