Metting someone strange .

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Tonight was supposed to be a regular night. I had ate my spaghetti dinner and started watching one of my comfort movies. The Labyrinth 1986. I still to this day don't understand why people didn't like this movie ? Or found it scary?
*ring, ring* "ugh what now ? Who can be calling me this late tonight ? " , y/n said out loud. "Hey , y/n it's me Jessica , I was wondering if you could check up on Sarah and on Toby tonight ? I kinda feel bad for leaving her on a stormy night to watch Toby by herself". She said sounding annoyed and worried at the same time. "Yeah ,I'll do it I don't have anything else better to do anyways ". I said sarcastically. We both started laughing . " thank you , I owe you one for sure ! Free food ? " she said in a high pitched tone I hated . "Yeah yeah the way to my heart , you know this and throw in some alcohol and we have a deal" I said mocking her voice. " deal" she said agreeing . After that I hung up the phone. Grabbed my keys and headed out to Jessica's house.
Lucky her house was only 10 min. Away from mine . So I got there pretty quickly .
Once there I realized that something was off. Not only was there a white and brown owl by one of the top windows , but I could have sworn I saw something rushing past the windows ? "There is no way , I must be trippin . I know it's late and I was watching a fantasy movie , but I'm not drunk that's for sure ". Saying out loud . After finding the key under the doormat I unlocked the door and went inside . I took off my shoes so that I wouldn't wake up Sarah or Toby. As I'm walking up the stairs i heard a loud thunder strike outside . Almost scarring the shit of me . Walking up the stairs I decided to check up on Sarah first. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed. I was wondering to myself why I didn't hear a baby at all? It was way to quite for comfort. Upon entering Toby's room , I heard something moving underneath his blankets . Like a lil dog that had the zoomies.
"Toby?.." I whispered.
"Hehehehehehehehheeheh..." behind me .
Turning around I saw nothing , I decided to grab Toby's blanket off and saw what looked like a lil mini, goblin? He was definitely dirty . He ran away and jumped out of the crib before I can do anything .
Then the window busted open exposing air and water droplets from outside . As it thundered outside the owl I sworn I saw earlier came and flew inside . I ducked down and looked on the ground and I saw the owl turned into what seemed to be a man. I couldn't believe my eyes . I shot up looking at him.
"Gawd damn he's beautiful " I said to myself.
After that I looked around and saw all the little goblins running around and laughing "heheheheheeheh" .
"Who are you? " I said commanding
"Well.. well.. I'm the Goblin King . Who else could I be ?" The goblin king said so confidently . His voice being so dark and deep , yet smooth. I couldn't help but blush a little . Thank goodness it was dark so he wouldn't notice .
"Your joking right ? , I mean if your the Goblin King , thennnn , wait did Sarah wish Toby to be taken away? ".. I said a bit worried but still believing that this was all a dream .
" of course she did and what's said is said. What's done is done. Your going to have to forget about that baby, baby. " Goblin King said in a very sexual manner. Walking. Closer to my face. I could feel his breath , on my lips.
"Well I know she didn't mean it , so can I please have Toby back ? " I asked pleading .
"No, if you want the child back your going to have to go get him." He said confidently.
"Fine , where is he then? Hmm? " I said in a sarcastic tone .
"He's there , (moving to the side and pointing out the window) . He's in my castle . " he said.
"Well , that doesn't seem to far at all." I said trying to sound brave. Since at this point I know it can't be a dream.
"Well it's farther than you may think. " he said behind me , closing in on my left shoulder .
"You have thirteen hours to complete this task or else the child becomes a goblin and stays here forever ." He said while pointing to a clock.
" 13? Hours? Oh I got this for sure . " I said shrugging my shoulders.
"What a pity a pretty young women as yourself. What a pity.. tsk tsk task. " he said as he seemed to disappear from sight .
Looking around I notice I'm in a dessert . And yet it's not even hot. Moving forward I walked down the hill and somehow made it to the front of the big wall. "Great a labyrinth, I'm terrible at solving these for sure". I said annoyed . I heard some noises coming from a bunch of bushes . I peeked through to find someone peeing into a water deposit ?
"Hey, hellloooooo" I said yelling .
"Oh , what the fuck. Excuse me , I was just trying to pee in peace." The strange looking man said. Grabbing what seemed to be a spray gun? Of some sort .
" can you tell me how to get into the labyrinth? " I asked nicely.
"No, why would I help you? You show up here scaring me mid piss, and now you asking me questions ? Not even a hello? Or how are you? What's your name ? The strange man said in a annoyed voice.
"Okay , fine your right , I'm sorry I scared you mid piss. My name is y/n . What is your name ? And can you help me ? " I tried asking nicely.
" my name is Hoggle, and maybe I can help you. "He said sarcastically .
"Well? Hoggle, do you know where I can find the entrance to the labyrinth? " trying to sound as nice as I can. He ignores me and starts spraying , mosquitoes? No they have little wings and glittery dresses . No way there fairies. I went to pick one up that was on the ground.
"Your so cruel how can you hit these, ouchhhhh , you fucking bitch ". I said aggressively.
"Hahahah , what did you think they did ? " Hoggle said .
"Well maybe i don't give me fairy dust so I can fly , or grant wishes ?." I said annoyed.
"Well you don't know anything do ya ?" Hoggle said laughing .
"Well can you help me into the labyrinth? " I said.
"Look behind you, your so damn blind . The doors right there good luck ". Hoggle said .
"Thanks , a lot . Bye ". I said quickly.
What in the world ? It's straight both sides ? How is this a labyrinth? This makes no sense . Branch's , leaves , moss ? It somehow looks so moist in these walls. I started running straight in one direction for so long . I decided to stop. What is going on around here ? This makes no sense . There has to be a way through this thing? Wait maybe the walls look straight but isn't ? That's has to be the right answer.
"Elllooooo" someone said
As I looked around I saw a blue little worm.
"Hello, did you just speak to me? " I asked curiously.
"Yeh elloooo, what's going on? " the worm asked.
"Oh nothing just trying to find an opening through this labyrinth . Can you help me ? " I asked nervously .
" yeh there's one right behind you." The worm said .
"No way, it looks like a wall? " I said amazed .
"Nah everything around here is strange and different , nothing what it seems" the worm said .
"Alright if you say soooo imma give it a try" , i said.
Running straight through I hit the wall that was in front of that wall.
"Ouch , okay thank you so much mr. Worm. " I said taking a deep breath.
I started to go left and kept my hands on the sides of the wall to feel for an opening to make sure I don't miss em. For some reason I felt that someone was watching me . It felt strange but I knew that I had to finish and get to the castle so I can save Toby. Man when I get back imma yell at Sarah for sure ! But at the same time . This Goblin king isssss pretty attractive. Soooo , a wins a wins , in my book. But for sure needs some alcohol after this shit show.

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