Feeling strange .

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Jareth POV:
"Strange she managed to chose the right direction. How can she be so confident ? My labyrinth is not a game or something to be taken lightly. " the goblin king said to himself . Watching his crystal he couldn't help but have a small smirk on his face. "What do you think I should do goblins? Should I visit her ? It should I let her stumble down and realize she can't get through my labyrinth?" . The goblins laughed "she'll never make it through " one goblin said. "Why your right , bibbly. Why should I worry. It's only one women. After all". Goblin king said sarcastically .

I finally found something different . There was a pillar with random hands pointing in different directions. There was even a sign , that honestly wasn't English or even a language that was recognizable. "Well I guess I'll goooo right ? I mean  I don't know at this point it's just going with the flow ." I said out loud. I decided to grab a branch and start placing them in between some of the stones poking out to remind me where I came from. At some point I decided to look around and notice my branch was literally gone. Like it wasn't even on the  ground. Like what the hell? Why is everything so complicated around here ?!
Just then a gust of wind pushed me back.
"How is everything going ? Darling . " the goblin king asked sweetly.
"It's going fine. I'll get there in no time. " I said shyly , blushing slightly.
"Well , if you say so, but I will say your on the right track. By the way , how old are you? And your name is y/n ? Correct ? " he asked seductively.
"Well I'm old enough for sure , ya know 26. (Fidgeting around and somehow I ended up against a wall). And yes my name is y/n. " I said nervously.
Walking up to me the goblin king put his arm above me and pinned me against the wall. And lowered his head down to face me.
"Well I wouldn't want you , to hurt yourself now. And finally I haven't talked to someone that's actually an adult . For once. And I will admit . It's quite nice ". He said smoothly .
He grabbed my chin and lifted it up to face him more clearly.
"Well if you don't mind I don't want to waste more time here and get to the task at hand ya know. " I said nervously as I slipped out under him.
"If you say so I stopped time when I showed up . Don't worry. I'll start it up again now". He said disappearing away.
Where I just came from turned into a wall.
What that wasn't a dead end at all . This makes no sense ? Does this damn maze change on its own? What a cheating bastard the goblin king is . No fair that he's so attractive . Just no fair.
"No fair at all this place" I said out loud .
"Yo sure right about that hahahahah " someone said behind me .
Just then I turned around and saw two door ways ? One purple and one pink? But yet they had two heads . I know for sure that it was a double meaning for having one head down below and one head above . And they were scaling. Yet looked like a dog ?  And a person maybe mixed ?
"Well , which door leads to the center of the labyrinth? " I asked .
"Well , we can't tell you which one leads that way. You have to guess which one it is . Knock and go. One leads there and the other leads "bammmbammmbammmmm" sudden death ! Hahahahahah" the doors started laughing .
"Well how do I know which is which ? " asking annoyed .
"Well one always tells the truth and one always lies . But we can't say which one . " the purple door said .
"Alright a simple question for both" I said confidently.
"What color is my hair ?" I asked the purple door .
"Well.. uhh... whispering to his other head . It's h/c . " the purple door said
"Okay now what color is my eyes ? I asked the pink door.
"Well it's green . Duhhh " he said smugg.
"Lies" I shouted. At the pink door .
"So purple door it is for sure." I said.
"Now wait a min. I think your wrong how can you be so sure ? ". The purple door asked .
I ignored it and decided to go through it and for some reason a trapped door opened underneath me , as I'm falling I hear the doors laughing .
"Helllpppppp helllppppp" I shouted grabbing onto anything I could. I came to a stop . There's hands . Hands touching all over me! I couldn't help but scream!
"Hey calm down, we're helping you. " the hands said in a shape of a face.
"Give her a break , she doesn't know what's going on" another group of hands said.
"Well which way do you wanna go ?" One group of hands asked
"Come on we don't have all day now " the second group of hands asked.
"Well I would say up, since I was going down ." I said nervously .
" hahaha what she say ? Down ? Down it is !!!" The hands said and dropped me .
"Nooo is aid upppppppp" I shouted .
But it was too late I landed straight through some metal hole . Landed on my knees . My knees were in so much pain . I thought I couldn't get up for a long second . Then I decided to open my eyes only to notice it's pure darkness. Then I heard a match.
"Well I see you've landed in the dungeons of the labyrinth" Hoggle said . As he lit the candle I can finally see where Iam . Just a. Dark and nasty cave . There was spider webs everywhere and I noticed some dead animal bones everywhere.
"Ugh , can you help get back up ? I need to keep going " I asked demanding .
"I'm taking you to the beginning and that's final" Hoggle said .
" no , you cant . I have been doing so good . I can't give up now. I have to save Toby. Jessica will kill me and then I'll go to jail and Oo nooo. " I said almost crying .
" I can't help you. " Hoggle said almost caring .
"Look I see you like jewels I see your little bag. I have this bracelet that is silver with white diamonds on em. It's a tennis bracelet from where I come from. " I said showing off my bracelet that is clearly fake . But I know it has some sparkle . Waving it to him.
"Welll hmmm maybe I can take you as far as I can go out of here " Hoggle said while shrugging his shoulders.
"Well you got yourself a deal! " I said happily.
He then went and pulled up a wooden door . Slammed it against the wall. Changing the nob in different directions he opened it once and it was a broom closet .
"Hehe my bad I don't always get the right door all the time" he said jokingly.
After another turn he finally got the right one and once opened I saw some light. I followed him out going past some stone faces that were telling me to not go any further and turn around. Hoggle told me to ignore them. And we kept moving forward.
Just then I saw a crystal ball move past us . I know that ball looks so familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it for some reason. There was some goblin hunched over on the wall. "Where are you going ?" The strange goblin asked .
"Nowhere "Hoggle said scared.
"Nowhere ? Nowhere?! " the goblin turned into the goblin king .
"If I for one second think your helping her get through this labyrinth I will have you killed . " he said threatening.
"No your majesty I was just taking her to the beginning " he said scared.
"What to the beginning ?" I said out loud.
"Of course to the beginning ! You know that " Hoggle said shrugging his shoulders .
"Hello y/n . How are you enjoying my labyrinth , my dear? " he asked sweetly.
" I got this , and I know I'll get there in time". I said confidently . Even though he was leaned over me and I couldn't help but look away blushing .
"Well I do hope to see you again my dear. But before I go , enjoy this gift . " he said calmly.
He then threw one of his crystal balls and appeared what seemed to be a drill? With blood all over it . The stench was horrible . Hoggle yelled "the murder drill" and start running . I started running with him. And even picked him up when he fell. We got a stone wall and he was trying to push down a side door? He couldn't do it alone so with the power of adrenaline, we were able to open the door . Seeing a ladder.
"Oh thank goodness a ladder that's what we need to get up to the surface. And I didn't lie to you okay. Jerth  is scary. And he has powers and I don't . Don't blame me " he said in a harsh tone.
"Fine , I have no other choice but to trust you. " I said calmly.

The Goblin King (ReaderXJarett) Where stories live. Discover now