Brothers best friend

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(I'm sorry but this shot is gonna have a specified name given to the main/love interest character in the story ..... It just goes together with the storyline)

Indigo's pov

I woke up today and felt like this is probably gonna be the best day in my life so far . But first I sense a fridge that needs to be checked out .

I go to the kitchen and open the fridge, thankful that my senses never let me down, not like they ever had but who cares , I took out a container of
chocolate mousse cake.

I had my breakfast, got ready for the day and unexpectedly got a call from my brother. KIM SEOKJIN. Yes I'm talking about the IDOL Mr.WWH himself.

Most people wouldn't believe me but ehh who gives a fuck right now . He told me that he wanted to hang out with me along with his friends. I got excited at the mention of that .

I've always had a crush on one of my brothers friends. I mean if you ask me anything about him I would tell you . I could even describe his physical appearance in a 0.5 sec time score.

I mean who wouldn't like to hug his soft squishy body, kiss his cute yet dangerously handsome face, hear his very , very..... sexy voice and hold his extremely veiny hands.yea no one would miss the chance .

And if your wondering who I'm talking about . I'm talking about the best husband material there ever was. Min Yoongi. My brother knows I have a crush on him so he teases me about it whenever I visit them .

Anyways I arrived at the dorms. When the door opened I was met with an excited Hoseok. He hugged me "Hey indigo. Took you long enough to arrive!" " Uhh hi Hobi , and you should be thankfull I even arrived in the first place." I sassed him " well geez girl , chill." "Whatever."

I walked in straight to the living room to find Namjoon reading a book , vkook sleeping on the floor while snuggling, Jimin intently watching a literal cartoon on the TV but two people were missing.

"Hey guys, where's the rest of the members?" I asked sitting down with Hobi joining with his face glued to his phone . "Hi Indigo. Jin is with his bff the kitchen and yoongi is with his girlfriend the bed." Namjoon answered. "Damn yoongi is seriously gonna get married to that bed one day." Hobi said .

I chuckled and headed to the kitchen to great my brother ."Hey Jin oppa." "Hi Indigo, you had breakfast yet?" He said while hugging me . "Does a slice of chocolate mousse cake count as breakfast?" "No the fuck it does not !" "Language oppa !!" "Shut up I'm older than you !"

"Indigo can you please go wake up Yoongi for me ?" He said with a mischievous smirk. "I know what your tryna do , and it ain't gonna work." I sassed him. "Girl I ain't tryin no shit I just wanted you to wake Yoongi up for me ." He shrugged. "Fine I'll go." I huffed and walked up the stairs to Yoongi's room.

When I got to his door I opened it slowly to check if he's asleep or not.  Good thing he was asleep so I went next to him on his bed and was about to shake his shoulder when he pulled my arm causing me to fall on top of him . He rolled me to his side and snuggled up to me. Now we were basically cuddling.

I looked down to find his eyes wide open. "Hey." He said slyly. "Hey." I said with a blush on my face . I tried to get out of his grip but he tightened his grip on my waist. "Come on petal I know you've always wanted to do that with me." He said with a smirk on his lips.

"How did you know about that?" I asked embarrassment clearly creating on my face. "I've seen the way you act around me , and I just came up with a conclusion." He shrugged. "Ohh." I faintly said. "And I like you too." He suddenly said . "Uhh-wait WHAT!?" "I said I like you too." "Since when ?" "Since the first time I met you dumbo. I've always liked you its just that I was too sacred to confess to you and I was also skeptical of Jins approval if he would approve our relationship." He shyly stated. "Ncawww, so does this mean we're dating now?" "Yea......if you want to that is ." "Yes I would love too!" "But how are we gonna tell Jin hyung?"

"Don't worry, we'll tell him right now. After you get ready." "Okay get out.....unless your willing to get a show." He seductively said. "Yahh pabo-ya!! Don't fucking say that!!" I scolded as I rushed out if his room. I heard him chuckle before I completely left the room. I got to the kitchen and told Jin the Yoongi is coming.

"What took you so long up there?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. I just glared at him and ignored his question. After a few minutes we set the table and heard footsteps coming from the steps. Yoongi showed up in his casual wear. "Wussup idiots!" He yelled getting a groan from everyone and a scold from Jin.

We sat down and ate breakfast and after breakfast the time came. Yoongi stood up and gained everyone's attention. "Can everyone listen up." "We have some important news to tell you and Jin hyung please don't kill me after this?" "What do you mean by we? And why would I kill you ?" Jin asked . " Well maybe because me and Indigo are now dating." He said holding my hand for me to stand up.

"WHAT!?" Everyone screamed. "So you guys are dating?" Jungkook asked. "Yes Jungkook, that's exactly what I just said." Yoongi sassed. "Oh wow, this is very unexpected." Jimin said. Jin was awfully quiet the whole time. "Jin are you okay wi-" Yoongi was cut of by Jin screaming. "YES F*CKING FINALLY!!! MY F*CKING SHIP IS F*CKING FINALLY F*CKING SAILING!!!!!  F*CK YEAHH!!" His sudden outburst made everybody widen their eyes.

"Wow so you approve our relationship?" I skeptically asked. "Yes, that's the only reason why I sent you up there, I would rather prefer to trust you with my best friend than with someone I don't know." He fact fully stated.

After that day me and Yoongi continued with our relationship and even revealed it to army after a year of dating. They supported us and didn't spread hate towards it. I was with the members through each and every step of success while also cheering my lover on. I guess my brothers best friend was my soulmate after all.


Wow for something I just randomly thought of ...... That was good😳.
Yasssssss bitch you did it 😂🙌.
I honestly just thought of this when loadshedding started........if you don't live in south Africa and you don't know what load shedding is , use that phone you have on your hand and search up what fucking loadshedding is. So you don't get fucking lost .

Anyways, how are my sunshine's doing!!✨😋. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and get ready for the next one. I swear to gosh load shedding makes a lazy person like me so fucking creative like how the fuck does that even happen. But eh who cares.

That's it for this chapter. You can switch that screen and See you in the next page, Anyeong sunshine's ✨😋❤️

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