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It was a normal Monday morning in your usual prestige high school and you were waiting for your transport after school with your friend. Next to y'all was your ex  'yoongi' and he was talking to his friends. After a few minutes of waiting he came up to you and he looked pissed.


"Y/N can I talk to you in private?" He said . "Oh wow , not even an excuse me, typical yoongi." I followed him anyways. We stood a few feet away from my friend. "Y/N I heard something from someone about you." "Yea what is it ?" I asked

"People are saying that you hate me and you go around saying nasty things about me ." "Oh really who said that?" "Sorry but I can't tell you that." He replied. "Okay , do I honestly look like someone who would hate or say anything bad to anyone."

"I can't answer that question." "Look Yoongi . I just wanna know who told you that about me?" I asked again."like I said Y/N I can't tell you that." I was getting irritated.

"Yoongi listen to me and listen to me carefully. I don't hate you nor do I go around telling people nasty stuff about you because what would be the reason , what reason do I have to say those things about you . Look I don't hate you . And I don't go around telling people things about you , okay?" I said while menacingly smiling.

"Honestly. I don't believe you." He said . "What dou you mean by that?" "Like I don't believe what your telling me . Ever since we broke up you changed. Your whole personality changed. And it's not in a good way. Like right now everything about is negative. YOU are NEGATIVE. it's like our break up was something else for you. I don't know you anymore. That's why I don't believe you!"

I looked at him with disbelief. I was on the verge of tears but I wasn't gonna cry Infront of him . He doesn't deserve my tears . Not now .

"So you believe other people's negative thoughts about me !!. You take in nasty things that people say about me and actually believe them. What kind of sick joke it this yoongi. YOU BELIEVE IN OTHER PEOPLE'S THOUGHTS ABOUT ME!?. What kind of sick joke is this. Do I look like someone who would just one day wake up and go around saying shit about my ex!? Why the fuck would I just say bullcrap about you to anyone. Just because your my ex doesn't mean I'd stoop so low and do shit like that. I'm NOT like your previous ex to actually be a bitch about our break up !!"

"Than tell me Y/N is it true !?" " NO THE FUCK ITS NOT !" I said "Yoongi . All that I need right now . Is for you to tell me . Who's the low life that would say shit about me to you?" "Sorry Y/N but I can't say that." "Yoongi pl-" my statement was cut short by my transport honking at me. I took my bag and went in.

The whole ride home I was quiet and never spoke to anybody in the car . When I got home . I said my greetings to my parents and went straight to my room, locked the door, jumped on the bed, got my body in a ball, and cried my broken heart out.

Damn , that was alot. By the way . This is based on a true story that happened to me recently. And don't worry part 2 is coming up. I hope its the last .

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