vamp academy p3

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Author POV

The next day they woke up , yoongi escaped through the window, Even though it's a two story house. But , HE'S A VAMPIRE, and that explains the logic.

Y/N went downstairs to find her father (btw her father's name is Bangh Christopher Chan, so yea ) cooking breakfast."good morning dad!" "Morning sunshine, how are you ?" "Well I'm doing fine , but I have to tell and show you something." She nervously said "oh okay , go on ." "Uhh dad I'm a vampire." "Your kidding right ?" He asked skeptically. "No I'm telling the truth." She said ."well then show me " she slowly transformed into a vampire. She didn't even know she could do it until now."see?" "Hol 'up, lemme check"...."fangs?... Check , claw's?...check , temperature -" he reached his hand out to her forehead placing it the there."-cold, your definitely a vampire."

"See I told you so." "Well since when were you a vampire?" "Since yesterday afternoon." She replied. "What are we gonna do about it then?" "Well there's this school that trains newborn vampire's how to control and use their powers. My boyfriend, 'that is if he is my boyfriend ' told me about it " she suddenly heard his voice in her head 'pabo-ya !! I am your boyfriend you dimwit. We are soulmates after all' he read my mind ' excuse me if I didn't know that ' she replied but never got another reply back .

"So what your telling me is , you want to transfer out from university so you can go to this vampire academy to train your powers?" "Yep , exactly" "Okay , everything will be sorted in the next 3 days" "okay thanks dad." She said . "Btw you never made any comments about the new version of me" "okay first of , your a vampire, COOL!.... Second of, you don't need to ask for my comments, I'm pretty sure you can read my mind now!" "Oh , no , only soulmates can read each other's minds " "ohhh , I've got alot to learn about then ." "Yep , you definitely do"

(Time skip brought to you by my lack of enthusiasm)

Yoongi wanted to hang out with Y/N today to talk about her father's answer to her request and revelation. They met at a near by cafe. "Sooo.What did your father say ?" "He said he's cool with it , and he'll allow me to go to vamp academy." "Really!?"
"Yepp." "I can't wait to show you the school!" "I can't wait to be in the same school as you !!!" He hugged Y/N ,and when he pulled away, they looked into each other's eyes while slowly leaning into each other's faces. When they we close enough they felt their lips connecting and fitting perfectly with each other like missing puzzle pieces.their lips moved together in sync as if dancing with their lips to a melodious song .

When they pulled away to catch their breaths , they continued to look at each other with love filling their now pink eyes


Well that's it for vamp academy p3. There's definitely gonna be a part 4 , because this doesn't fit together with the story title right?

Btw I forgot to give y'all info about
Y/N's friends:

Violet: she basically my cousin irl . And we are basically best friends, well she had another best friend but when it comes to family we are the evil cousins. She's also an Army

Thiara: btw her name is pronounced 'tiara' just making sure y'all get it right. She's also my Army best friend,we went to primary school together for like 2 years.

Luna: Luna is just a fictional character that I created , she's basically like my alter ego but , we not there. She also fit a perfect description of what yoongi's vampire sister would be like .

That's it for this chapter. See you on the next one.💜🤘✨🖤

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