My type 2

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Today I just woke up like any other day . And headed straight to my bathroom, took a shower and fixed my hair .  I don't really use make up , I don't  have a reason for it but I just don't . "I seriously haven't made any friends yet .... That doesn't make sense !!"

I screamed as I looked at my reflection from the bathroom mirror. After that I went to my closet and picked the most comfortable fit k could get . I got my bags and headed out to school. I got a little snack on the way to my destination since , my stupid ass decided not to eat breakfast at home . I mean , when your in college , what the fuck is breakfast at that point.

As I was walking I bumped into some dude , and when I looked Up  I saw it was Yoongi. "Oh sorry , you oukay ?" I asked genuinely concerned. "It's cool , I'm fine , you aight though?" Oh he asked me back , really didn't think that would happen. "I'm aight , why you heading the opposite way from school?". "It doesn't feel fun , telling you , so how about I show you ?".

His voice dropped a couple of octaves as he leaned closer . "Uhhhhh, sure , but aren't we going to be-" . With that I felt a hand drag me down the street once again. I kept quiet and watched the scene unfold , as we entered passage way , leading to a pretty civilized community.

"Oukay , I have to ask . Where the fuck you taking me ?" " To my house , I'm thinking of skipping school, and since I don't have anyone to skip with, fait lead me to you . "   'ooo , we skipping school now. Analysis confirmed, I want him and imma get him .. nah I'm lying I aint gonna get him ' "ohh , you could've told me , I would gladly joined , without hesitation." I replied.

He stopped for a bit and turned to me . "Really , you would ?" He asked , surprised. "Yea for real . I may like school, but adventure just calls out to me .".  I heard a low chuckle , coming from him. "Well this isn't much of an adventure but , so be it then ."

We continued walking for like 15 more minutes and reached this middle class house . It was themed black and white. I love it . We walked in and He led me to his TV room and we sat  on one of the couches provided . "Oukay so , what exactly are we gonna do ." He laughed and just stood up .

"Mind if I get some drinks." He ignored my question with a suggestion, 'very smooth min ' . "Yea sure . Why not ." Yea imma sucker for this man . "Alrighty, then , I'll be back . Just feel at home."

Yoongi's POV:

Yess, my plans working out , exactly how I wanted it . Truth is I was actually following her in the morning and had a plan to make it fun and act clueless. And now , time to make her mine . 'Imagine , on the second day of knowing her and I'm ready to claim her , damn , I'm moving fast '

I grabbed 2 cans of sodas. When I went beck to the TV room, I saw she was in her phone , actually kicking back , without a care in the world . Is she for real . "Ohh so , you really take feeling at home to extreme?" I asked her . "Well yea , I just take it as it is . "

I handed her the soda and she opened it and took a sip . "Hey Min , can you tell me more about yourself." She requested. "Well there's not much to know about me . But yea I'm actually 19, born on the 9th if march. I love everything that has to do with music and I hate alot of people. " Wow , basic introduction Yoongi's.

"How about you ?" I asked back . "Well I'm also 19 , born on the (Y/B/D) . I also have a passion for music, but I fall more on the physical side of it . Like dancing and shit . I tolerate certain people. " She replied. "OH so , what do you think about me ."

I asked her , and noticed my voice went down once again, for 2nd time today . She looked flushed . Her pupils were big and she was smiling like crazy . "Uhhm , I guess ,your part of the tolerable one's." She, shyly replied. I leaned closer to her and she laid back tryna create some distance. "what if I changed that?" It came out more as whisper to be precise.

"W-w-w-what d-do you mmmean ?" She stuttered ,  flustered. "This." I leaned closer to her lips , and captured them . 'smooth move yoong's ' .She was taken aback Abit , but she followed suit .

Our lips moved perfectly in sinch . As if dancing to a romantic melody . She leaned back to the sofa and I hovered comfortably on top of her. And deepened the kiss. A few moments later I moved to attack  her neck and moved my hand to the hem of her t-shirt to gesture her to take it of . She got the message. I also followed suit . I continue making trails down to her abdomen. And from then , things began heating up .

*Time skip , because I'm not gonna write that  musty crusty dusty , crap to save my imagination*

I was panting as I was tired , and Y/N also looked tired. We also kind of  moved to my house because ain't no way , she would get laid on top of a fucking sofa on my watch , she's mine now . "Just to clarify things , what are we ?"

Just the question I was waiting for . "They say an alfa male leave's a mark on their mate to show their territory, therefore, with those marks on your neck and body , your mine." I kissed her lips . "Does that mean , that with those scratches on your back , your mine."  She replied Enthusiastically. I kissed her again, because that shit was hot , not gonna lie.

From then , we started dating and everything went well . Hopefully the future will be the same .

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