Something Wicked This Way Comes

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The next afternoon you pull up in front of the bunker. You scrunch your nose and cock an eyebrow as you take in your location.

"This is where you guys live?." You question with a little hesitation.

"Trust me it's not as rough inside. It's the safest place you can be right now until we figure out why demons want you." Sam says as he leans against the back of the seat looking at you.

"Suddenly I feel the urge to play Fall Out." You chortle. " I called Jenn and told her I'm visiting family out of town, so she doesn't worry."

Sam and Dean take you inside the bunker. You stand at the top of the stairs, looking down you try to take in what you see. "And you just inherited this place?"

Dean looks at you with a crooked grin. "Something like that."

In the awkward silence of the moment your stomach decides to make the loudest noise. Dean turns with the funniest of faces. "Wow, was that you?" He says with a chuckle.

You instinctively raise your hand to your stomach. "Yeah, it seems it was. I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. I guess I'm hungry, I just haven't really taken the time to think about eating with everything going on."

Sam gives you a soft smile. "How about I make an early dinner and then we can get you a room? Does that sound ok?"

You flash him a warm smile that catches Dean's eye. He feels his face get warm watching you talk with Sam. "Yeah, that sounds really good."

Sam gently touches your back as he ushers you down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Sam cooks up some steaks with baked potatoes that were the best you've ever had. You're not sure if it was really that good or if you were just that hungry.

Dean cleans up the dishes as Sam shows you a room. He opens the door to a small room with a bed, a desk, and a closet. It's little things that you can't quite put your finger on but the room has a feminine air about it. Sam can sense your thoughts. "Our friends, Charlie and Eileen used to stay in this room. I think you'll find this one the most comfortable. Dean and I are just down the hall, the bathroom is to the right and around the corner. Uh, it is a communal shower, so heads up. You might want to hang a towel on the door handle."

You step into the room and sit on the edge of the bed, bouncing a little bit. Sam stands in the doorway still unsure about you. "I figure I'm too tall for you to fit into anything of mine so Dean said he'll bring you a few things to wear. If you check the closet there may be something of Charlie's or Eileen's they left behind. You look like you would be close to the same size."

"Thanks, Sam. I appreciate everything you're both doing for me. I'm sorry if I've inconvenienced you guys. I imagine you have other things to do than babysitting me." You say.

"Uh, I guess I'll see you in the morning then. Dean should be around in a few with those clothes. If you need anything just holler." He says as he closes the door behind him.

You lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling for a few minutes when there is a knock at the door. "Freya, are you in there?" Dean asks through the heavy wood.

"You can come in, it's unlocked." You exclaim as you prop yourself up on your elbows.

Dean steps in and pauses for a second. He can't explain it but seeing you laid back on the bed so relaxed is just so damn sexy. He clears his throat and stammers out. "I tried to find the smallest things. Hopefully, they fit you until we can get into town and pick you up a few things."

He walks to the edge of the bed, setting the small pile of clothes on the corner. Your eyes lock for a second as he straightens back up. You cock an eyebrow and flash a sideways grin. "That's ok, if they're too big, I'll just have to walk around naked." You tease.

A Little Wicked: A Supernatural StoryWhere stories live. Discover now