To Keep From Drowning

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Sam turns to Rowena as they stand in the kitchen. "Ok, you wanna tell me what the hell just happened in there?"

"I'd say it was pretty obvious, Samuel. I had a fight with my daughter." She says flippantly.

"I think that demands a little more detail, don't you?" He says rather firmly.

"Samuel, of all people, you should understand how complicated parent/child relationships can be?" Rowena says looking up through her thick lashes.

"Don't pull that card with me. Do you want to extrapolate on why you hid a daughter?" Sam pushes for clear answers.

"I didn't necessarily hide her. She left me, disowning me. Why would I talk about that type of pain? In my defense, I wasn't really forthcoming about Fergus either." Rowena says coyly.

They both look back towards the library as they hear furniture slamming. Sam takes a step toward the door. Rowena touches his arm causing him to pause."It's best to stay out of their way." Her eyes not wavering from the doorway.

"It's getting pretty heated in there. I know that look in Dean's eyes, He's beyond angry." Dean's anger worries Sam. Dean would never hit a woman but then again he has hit a witch when necessary.

"Don't worry, if it's one thing I do know about your brother is that he would never harm a woman out of anger." Sam looks down at Rowena with a cocked eyebrow. "Besides, Freya can protect herself, trust me."

"Ok then do you want to fill in the blanks of your conversation out there?" Sam reluctantly focuses back on the red-headed witch.

"I've never made any excuses for my.." she clears her throat. " romantic choices. 1695 was a very hazy year if you know what I mean. One night I met a very charming man with the most unique accent. We talked and drank all through the wee hours and nine months later I had Freya. I never saw that exquisite form of a man ever again." Rowena pined as she looked off into the past.

"Did you even get a name?" Sam inquired.

"We didn't really take the time to get to know each other that well, we were a little preoccupied." She says with a crooked grin and a twinkle in her eye.

"So what happened between you and Freya, why did she disown you?" He questions a little softer.

"She didn't approve of how I practiced magic. She was destined to be a powerful witch, Samuel but she walked away from it. Stopped practicing, and hid her power deep down. She just couldn't see the life, the power, and respect she could have had." Rowena's disappointment was thick in her voice.

"Why did she feel the need to join the Grand Coven then?" he says confused by your change of mind.

"Samuel, I don't know if I should say? You saw how angry she became when I even started to mention it." She whined a little.

"I'll take the heat if she does. It sounds like she might be telling Dean anyways. Why did she join the Grand Coven after turning her back on all  magic?" He continues to push the question.

"She met a kind young man and they started a family together. Freya slowly started letting me back into her life when she had my beautiful granddaughter, Ana. That child had more power in her than I could have ever imagined." Rowena lowers her voice as she lowers her head thinking about Ana. "They moved a lot to hide her power but on her fifth birthday, she lost control in the center of town. They were packing only the essentials to leave in the night when Freya went into the woods to gather a few items for a quick protection spell. When she returned the villagers had already gathered setting the small house on fire." Sam can hear Rowena's voice crack as she fought to hold back tears.

"Oh god, they didn't?" Sam says terrified of the answer.

"Her husband and that sweet baby were trapped inside. She watched from the edge of the woods as they burned alive, Samuel! She could hear Ana screaming through the crowd and the flames. She was forever changed that day, it's like her soul died with her family." She whispered looking up at Sam a quiver in her voice.""So she joined the Grand Coven to seek revenge?"

Sam sat down at the table remembering what it was like to watch Jesse burn on the ceiling of their apartment. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to lose a child that way. "I'm afraid to ask if she got her revenge?"

"Oh, she most certainly did. She became myopic about her studies. It was the only thing keeping her from drowning in her grief. It took a while for her power to become strong enough. She went back to that town and made each and every person there that night suffer the most unthinkable tortures. Even I couldn't inflict that much pain and suffering on a person and I'm not squeamish when it comes to causing pain." Rowena takes a seat as the revelation washes over her.

They both sit there in silence as the volume of your voices in the library softens a bit. Sam runs his hand through his hair as he regains his thoughts."Family drama aside Freya was still attacked by demons on several occasions. Why her?" Sam queries.

"Well, I'm afraid there isn't anything I could do more than Freya could. She's just as powerful as I am, I doubt that there is something she hasn't tried." Rowena says  regretfully.

"Great! You were kind of our last hope. We're back to square one again." Sam's frustration comes out in his voice.

"I do agree that this is the safest place for her until we figure this out." She reassured.

"So you're willing to hang around and help us even after what she said?" Sam questions.

Rowena gives him a soft smile as she touches his arm. "Samuel, no matter how much she hates me, she is my daughter and she's in trouble. I'll do my best to not antagonize her while I'm here."

"You not antagonize? This should be entertaining." He says with a sideways grin.

"So how long have they been sleeping together?" She spurts out suddenly.

Sam quickly recovers from the abrupt change in conversation. "I..uh..they?" He stammers.

"Oh come on, Samuel. It's obvious there is something going on between them. If there wasn't your dear brother wouldn't be so upset." She retorts.

"I'd guess to say maybe a week." he ponders. " I told him to wait but I could see the tension from the first time he laid eyes on her."

"Hmm, interesting." she says vaguely.

"What does that mean?" Sam inquires.

"Oh nothing, dear. I expect that from Dean but it's a little out of character for Freya. That's all." she says rather aloofly.

"I better not find out you're hiding something from me, Rowena." Sam exclaims.

"Samuel, I'm hurt. It's just an observation that is all." She replies feigning hurt.

The next few days pass with extreme levels of tension. You and Rowena try to limit your time together. You try a few spells in hopes of digging up some kind of clue to the demon attacks. They all fall empty. Dean is avoiding you at all costs. If he sees you walking down the hallway he will turn and go in the other direction. If he has to be in the same room with you he won't even look in your direction. It's killing you not being able to talk to him, be with him.

You know he understands why you did what you did, it's the fact that you hid who and what you were that hurts him the most. Even through the anger he is still drawn to you, aches for you. It feels like a piece of his heart is missing somehow.He won't admit it to anyone but he's still dreaming about you every night. They seem so real now, even more personal and connected somehow. It's not just intimate moments that he dreams about though. He's domestic with you, living a life in his dreams. As he wakes up from his most recent dream he knows there is something more. Not trusting you about casting a love spell he seeks out Rowena for answers.

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