Chapter 14 - Solutions

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"We need to think of a good plan, and soon," Spirit mumbled to herself as she sat down at her desk. She pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen.

Things to plan

-Escape Route


-Some way to stay hidden

-Backup plan

"Now, what to do about Rush... Can't walk too much... Issues communicating..." Spirit murmured. She thought back to her magic junk she kept stored under her bed. Maybe I could find something for him...

Spirit stood from her chair, and walked over to her bed. She crouched down and pulled the chests from under her bed. She opened the chests and began to look through their contents.

A silver wrist cuff... What does this one do again? After Spirit put it on and became invisible, she remembered. Ah, yes. This will be useful. Spirit placed the cuff next to her on the floor. She continues rummaging around in the chests. Let's see, what else is there? Oh! Spirit pulled a diamond and sapphire dragon necklace out. I don't think this one is enchanted... I'll use this for helping Rush communicate.

Spirit cupped the pendant of the necklace in her hands, and closed her eyes. She concentrated on her connection with the trinket, and a soft blue light filled the room. Spirit closed her hands and began chanting.

As the strange words left her mouth, she felt the necklace heat up ever so slightly. It's working! As Spirit finished her chant, the blue light that filled the room died down. Spirit opened her eyes. The big sapphire on the dragon's tail was now sparkled with light blue stars.

Now to see if it works! Spirit then teleported to Rush's room.


Jack, Halt, and Rush had just been chatting. Halt had decided to come in shortly after Spirit left, and they had just been hanging out for a while, talking about ways to help Ambush, and what they were going to do with Shadow. Halt had the lovely idea of torching him with his own flamethrower, but the conversation was interrupted by Spirit teleporting directly in front of Jack.

"HOLY FU-" Jack yelled, falling backwards out of sheer shock. "STOP DOING THAT!" He said, getting up.

Spirit and Halt began laughing, while Rush let out strange wheezing sounds. Clearly he wasn't able to laugh properly.

"I'm sorry, Jack, I'm sorry," Spirit giggled. "I just wanted to give Rush something."

"Oh? What is it?" Halt questioned.

"It's gonna help him with his current communication problem, at least until his voice gets better and he's able to speak properly," Spirit replied.

"Oh... Thanks Spirit... I appreciate it..." Rush accepted the gift, then sat up slowly to put on the necklace. After it had been clasped into place, a pale blue light radiated from it for a split second, and then vanished.

"How do you feel? Is it working?" Halt asked.

Rush coughed a bit before answering. "I... think it works!" Rush sounded normal for once and not slightly wheezy, so that was a good sign. "Yeah, it works!"

"Yes!" Spirit shouted victoriously.

"This is great! Now you can share your ideas for dealing with Shadow without it taking five minutes!" Halt cheered.

"Ha ha, hilarious," Rush responded sarcastically.

"Well hey," Jack started. "Now you can focus on getting back on your feet and walking properly. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly did Seek do to you that caused you to be unable to sit up?"

"Well, he swept my legs out from beneath me while we were fighting, and I landed pretty hard on my back, and also on a book, so... I guess that's why," Rush answered. Thinking back to his fight with Seek just made him mad, but he didn't want to let the others see him upset, so, just for now, he's burying those feelings of anger in the back of his mind, and he'll bring it back up when it's useful.

"Ah, I see."

"So, Spirit, do you actually have anything that could help with Rush's back and walking problems?" Halt asked.

"Well, I don't think so, but I can go look. Oh, and Jack? I'm going to be teleporting back, so be ready for that," Spirit replied, then disappeared in a flash of blue light.

"Alright then," Rush said. "Could one of you two go tell Seek that he looks like if hepatitis was a person for me?"

"Oh, I'll do it!" Halt laughed. "Just give me enough time to plan my escape." He then ran out of the room.

"Well, I'll talk to you later, I guess. Try to get some rest, okay Rush?" Jack said.

"Eh, I'll try. But thanks for the new information on Ambush. It means a lot to me." Rush smiled, wishing he could punch Shadow in the face then and there.

"No problem, Rush," Jack responded, and then walked out of the room.

(Hey, so, sorry this chapter was released kinda later than usual, but give me a break, man. I'm on vacation in Colorado, which is nearly cross country from where I live. Anyway, I know the chapters kinda suck right now, but I'm trying. Not my fault this is my first "official" fanfiction.)

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