Chapter One: The vanishing of Will BYers

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"Shit" I mumbled under my breath as the boxes of staples slipped from my hand and fell to the floor by my feet. As I bent down I heard the tinkling of the bell on the door and I looked up to be greeted with the kind smile of an old woman who lived nearby. It was already dark out and she seemed to be dressed in night clothes and so I checked the clock behind me. It read 15 past 9. Not too late but still concerning for an old lady to be walking around in slippers so I grabbed the shelf and hoisted myself up to check on her.

"Are you ok Mrs Driscol?" I question walking over to her. She looked at me for a second before facing the aisle with kitchen appliances and shuffled her way over. "I'm looking for a new toaster my dear. My one at home doesn't toast my bread anymore." She shook her head and picked up a grey toaster with a price of $25.

I thought it was strange her toaster didn't work anymore as only a few months previous she had been telling all about the new appliances she had got to decorate her kitchen, but I shrugged it off and helped her walk over to the counter.

"That will be $25 please" I beamed waiting for her to pay. She handed me the money before patting my hand with hers. The feeling of the worn out, wrinkled skin wasn't the most pleasant, but I ignored it as she spoke kind words to me "You are such a nice girl (name), I wish every teenager was like you."

Old people touched my heart and I felt a surge of pride knowing that they thought highly of me. Daydreaming, I failed to notice the coldness of her hand retract and the sound of her slippers sliding out of the door. I was in my own little world of imagination until two hands grabbed the sides of my shoulder scaring me half to death. I screamed and jumped bashing my hip on the counter and I was shocked by the person behind me.

My best friend Jonathan Byers stood a few centimetres away from me trying hard not to snicker at my scare.

"Jeez (name) didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled placing a hand on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at him and brushed his hand off me and walked around form the till to go clean up the staples that still scattered the floor. He followed behind me, lanky legs taking swift strides across the reflective shop floor. I bent down and placed the boxes back on the shelf in their rightful place as Jonathan placed his hands in his pocket and watched me.

As I was busy I glanced up at him and spoke "Shouldn't you be at home by now. You don't work Sundays." While I waited for an answer I place the last box on the shelf before turning to rearrange the pens that had been put back in the wrong place.

"Ah well working extra isn't going to hurt anyone, plus we need the extra money." He shrugged turning to the stool and seating himself. I looked at him briefly studying his expression.

I had known Jonathan all my life, so naturally I knew about his home situation. Sometimes I felt bad for him, but I then remembered how he doesn't want my sympathy nor charity no matter how much I try to give it.

He is my best friend and even though my family might not be the best financially we are still better off than the Byers and all I want to do is help.

Just as I said before, Jonathan and I are best friends and so it is only natural for him to also know my home life. I was brought up and raised by my stepmom who is a caring woman that unfortunately lets others walk all over her. My father left my step mum to start a new family in the city with his new wife and I chose to stay with my stepmom. My father was never cruel or a problem, he just fell out of love with my stepmom and in love with another. I never had much of a connection with him and so that is why I decided to stay here in Hawkins. I never knew my birth mother as no one ever spoke of her and unlike most I was never curious about her. Why would I want to find a woman who I have never met?

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