Chapter four: The Body

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"Byers' body was found in the water of this quarry by state police earlier this evening. It was discovered by state trooper David O'Bannon, just after dark. The state police are mounting an investigation to  determine Byers' cause of death, but an initial inquiry suggests that foul play was a factor..."




"No, no, no, no, no... NO, no, NO!"

I dropped the remote, shaking uncontrollably as I heard the news. He was gone. He was gone. 

My Will was gone.


"WILL!" I wailed my eyes briming with a stinging liquid.

 My throat felt constricted, and my breath slowly turned laboured. Breathing became like a chore as I struggled to catch my breath. I clutched at my chest, my heart burning with a pain so torturous I could barely stand. The knot that had grown in my stomach only grew tighter as I stared at the flashing TV ;nausea willing to make me collapse. Uncontrolled contractions jerked through my diaphragm making my legs go weak. As my knees buckled underneath me I clawed the wall in a last desperate attempt to hold my hysterical figure up. The rush of blood to make head made my world spin and I felt dizzy in an instant. My mouth gaped open and closed as silent screams escaped into the air, aching my body. Panic took over as I remembered every moment I had spent with the child sending me into a frenzy. Incoherent cries raggedly erupted from my already constricted throat; chocking sobs pierced the silence as I realise this pained melody is coming from me. My eyes burn as I frantically blink trying to get the image of dead Will from out of my mind. I tried swallowing the lump formed in my throat but failed, realising I felt trapped in my body.

Will was a part of me that could never be replaced, a void that lead only into the abyss had been opened in my body at the sight of his lifeless body. I rubbed furiously at my eyes, desperately trying in vain to stop the tears spilling out of them. 

"What is the point?"

Karen called. The morning after. Told me Mike wasn't doing good. But the next thing she said made me confused. he asked for my presence. Asked if I could come look after him for the day. Karen didn't know much about it either but was practically begging me, obviously worried for the welfare of her poor baby son. 

I knew if I felt like this, Mike would be 100 times worse. I wished to comfort the child and so made my way round to his house. 

It was located on Maple street. A well known street for families who have a fair bit of money (on the opposite side of town to where I live). The Wheelers and Sinclair's both lived down this street and so I made a decision to check on Lucas after visiting Mike as I knew he wouldn't be doing well. The grass crunched under my feet and the dew from that morning soaked the soles of my converse, making me cringe in exasperation. 

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