Chapter 6

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The morning mist begins to thicken quickly, very quick, I doubt any of the drivers expected it, I can hear the sudden screeching of their brakes, sounded intense. Wasn't too long before I hear a crashing sound and skidding, I quickly look towards to where the sound came from and start walking over with other people in front and behind.

I can see a wreckage starting to loom out of the mist, there was blood dripping from one of the doors and on the window shield, looks like a pole fell from one of the scaffolding poles on a buildings and went straight through the roof splitting the driver in two, looks like it landed at an awkward angle... I starting gaging from the sight, it was utterly sickening, I mean, you could see his spleen and other bodily part from inside.... their body, I still cant tell whether its male of female, there is too much blood to be able to distinguish which gender they are...

I cover my mouth holding back from throwing up, I mumble "Fucking hell its a mess, I cant do anything without calling an ambulance" I pull out my Phone and dial 999, the operator answers and asks me what the emergency is "Hello, I want an ambulance there's been a serious accident, Yes, It's Rockwood avenue, near the shops around the corner near Conway road, okay good bye" I hang up the phone and turn back and take a quick glance cover my mouth and look away again, there is no way I can keep looking.

It wasn't too long before I could hear the ambulance, sirens blaring from a distance, not exactly the hardest thing to hear.

..... Suddenly they stop, I take the guess that they got caught up in traffic, I mean mist this thick? Damn near inevitable to say there's going to be crashes, I don't want to stay long, nausea isn't the best remedy right now. So I turn around and walk back home (not without buying a drink anyway), I rustle through my pocket, first my trouser pockets, then my jacket ones, "ah, there we go, found 'em". My wife was sitting at the table eating breakfast. wait a minute, she should've gone to work by now, I take a few seconds to take in the situation and notice a stern and almost... Terrified look in her eyes, I did not like it, not one bit.

I knock on the door softly, and she darts a look at me, uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

"What're you doing home? you should be in work, are you ill?" I say worryingly again, wondering how she could be ill at this time

"No... I-I'm fine" she replies hesitantly

"Are you sure? You look pale..." I walk across the room and kneel down in front of her placing my hand on her head checking whether she has a temperature. Nope.... She's fine

"There is defiantly something wrong, please tell me" I say worryingly again, this time more serious.

She shifts her entire body around and looks down at me whilst I'm kneeling in front of her.

"Have you seen the news?" she asked, sparking interest

"N-no, why? Whats happened?"I say with an eyebrow raised

I wander over to the TV and switch it on with the remote, I then change to the news and in the banner at the bottom of the screen scrolls across and reads

" *Breaking News* Scientists are trying to locate where the mist suddenly came from, the only thing they can honestly say is that.... There is something inside it..."

I look back at my wife in shock and she nods her head sadly, I know why she doesn't want to go, can't blame her to be honest, hell I'd do the same if I new in the first place. I walks back over to her and she hugs me tight, I can feel her trembling, I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head, she looks up at me and whispers

"I'm scared, really scared... I don't want to leave whilst that's its still about" with a worried expression

I nod softly and pull her closer for comfort, "I know, I know... I understand"

The news is still going in the background, I listen in slightly and over hear the reporter say "And we go live to Rockwood avenue" I shift my head to hear it clearer

"Where a car has crashed due to a scaffolding pole falling onto the car, unfortunately the diver did not live, further information has been censored for family viewing and, all I can say about the incident is that the driver was... *looks down at the paper report*.. More than decapitated. And our reporter: Jonathan Davis, is live at the scene" I look away and mumble to my wife

"You didn't hear that right?" hoping that she didn't

She nods again slowly "y-yes I did... Were you there when it happened?"

"Yes, I was..." I say in reply sadly, after that point I explain what happens and what I saw, about the driver being split in two, and the scaffolding falling from an awkward angle. 

She pondered for a second and asked me "did that.. Thing.. Do it?" I shrug, I'm pretty sure that the people investigating the scene were wondering the same thing. Though, I wouldn't be half surprised if that was the case on why the driver died.

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