Woman Haters

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"Alexis I really wish you'd wait until late to come hang out with me." Spanky says as Alexis is outside his porch with him.

"Why?" Alexis asks.

"Because the guys could see you." Spanky says.

"I don't get why you won't just tell them. We're only friends anyway." Alexis says.

"That doesn't matter. You're still a girl." Spanky says.

"And? Girls and boys should be able to get along." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Not the way I see it. Now you'll excuse me I gotta go see the guys about an important meeting." Spanky says as he finishes writing a note before Alexis sighs.

"Whatever you say." Alexis says as Spanky clips a note to Petey's collar.

"Go get 'em Petey!" Spanky says as Petey runs off before Spanky soon leaves.

"Men." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and runs off.


"I've come a-courtin'. These are for you." Alfalfa says as he runs up to Darla as she is with Alexis and two other girls before a dog jumps on him barking.

"Fifi! Good doggie." A man says as he calls the dog off before a boy walks over.

"You alright alfalfa?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah." Alfalfa says as Alexis helps him up.

"I hope Fifi didn't startle you. She's so playful. Forgive my effrontery... but you miss are a rare rose in a garden of weeds. You have the sophistication of a woman of 12. My name is Waldo lll." The boy says as he looks at Darla.

"I'm Alfalfa!" Alfalfa says proudly.

"Yes I'm sure you are." Waldo says.

"And I'm Darla. This is my friend Alexis." Darla says.

"Hello." Alexis says kindly.

"We just moved into town. My father bought the oil refinery." Waldo says.

"Impressive." Alexis says.

"That explains why you're so refined." Darla says.

"Yeah and so oily!" Alfalfa says.

"Watch it bud. I hope to see you soon." Waldo says as he looks at Alfalfa before at Darla.

"That could be arranged. I'll be appearing in the talent show up." Darla says.

"Yeah the two of us... will both be singing a duet... together." Alfalfa says.

"How redundant." Waldo says.

"Thank you." Alfalfa says.

"Well I shall be going now." Waldo says as he leaves.

"Whoa! What a hunk!" Darla says impressed.

"He's smoother than a baby's bottom." One of the girls says.

"And he smells better too!" One of the girls says as Alfalfa leaves.

"Maybe but I still think Spanky has him beat. Even if he is a pain where women are concerned. But he's still my best friend." Alexis says as she smiles.


As Alexis is walking near the boys clubhouse she soon sees Darla come out in a car.

"Darla are you okay?" Alexis says as she runs over and helps Darla out of the car.

"Yes but I'm never speaking to Alfalfa again. He's just proved that he cares more about his club than he does me. I'm out of here." Darla says as she leaves before Alexis looks over at Spanky and gives him an annoyed shake of her head before leaving after Darla.

Girls Ain't So Bad The Little Rascals Spanky X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now