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"Thanks Darla. I can never get the back zippers." Alexis says as Darla helps her finish getting ready for their ballet performance.

"No problem Alexis. Hi." Darla says as two girls come in.

"Hello." Alexis says as the dark haired girl blushes slightly.

"Hi!" The dark haired girl says.

"Are you a fairy?" A girl asks.

"No!" The blonde girl asks.

"Uh-uh!" The dark haired girl says.

"You know? A sugarplum fairy?" Another girl asks.

"Oh well yes. Of course." The blonde girl says.

"Are you two okay?" Alexis asks as the group hears croaking.

"Oh she must have a frog in her throat." The dark haired girl says.

"I'm so nervous. I'm sweating like a pig. It must be... the recital." The blonde girl says.

"Come here. Here's my hanky." Darla says as she hands the blonde girl her hanky.

"Gee thanks!" The blonde girl says as she wipes her pits before trying to hand the hanky back to Darla.

"No that's all right. You keep it. I'm nervous too. Waldo's be here." Darla says.

"Waldo's Darla's boyfriend." A girl says.

"Yeah. I know alexis would be happy if her boyfriend was here too." Another girl says as she giggles.

"Lacy shush. He's not my boyfriend." Alexis says.

"Do you have boyfriends?" Darla asks.

"Yeah. Anyone special in the audience?" Alexis asks.

"No!" The dark and blonde haired girls say in union.

"No of course not. Uh..." The blonde girl says nervously.

"But there is one boy I'd love to get to know. His name is Alfalfa. What a physique!" The blonde girl says.

"Really? You wanna get to know Alfalfa?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Are you crazy?" The dark haired girl asks.

"I used to know Alfalfa. He took the best years of my life." Darla says annoyedly.

"Same here! That ugly scud led me on as if he cared...then he dropped me like a hot tamale. Plus you know what?" The dark haired girl asks.

"No. What?" The girls ask in union.

"I hear he dresses in girls clothes." The dark haired girl says.

"I don't miss him at all except... his voice. When he sings he makes me melt like a Popsicle on the Fourth of July." Darla says.

"He is awfully romantical." A girl says happily.

"Yeah. He could be pretty sweet when he wanted to be." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Well it was nice chatting, but we gotta go." The dark haired girl says.

"Bye!" The dark haired girl says before the Dance Teacher comes in.

"All right girls. It's time to take your positions! It's show time!" Dance Teacher says as she rushes the girls out onto the stage.


"And now from...The Nutcracker. And two and three." Dance Teacher says as the group begins dancing on stage in front of the audience.

"Alexis what are they doing?" Darla asks as she and Alexis see the blonde and dark haired girls acting weird much to the Dance Teacher's annoyance.

"I don't know. Maybe it's some new number we weren't taught?" Alexis asks as she and Darla shrug before continuing to dance before the two girls rush off stage as the dancing ends before the Dance Teacher follows the two girls.

Girls Ain't So Bad The Little Rascals Spanky X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now