The Carnival

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"Here you are sweetheart. Here's thirty dollars. Spend it wisely alright. Your father and I will be at the concession and will join you shortly at the talent show." Alexis's mother says as she hands Alexis some money.

"Alright mom." Alexis says before she sees Spanky at a stand with a bunch of money.

"I can't believe all this money." Spanky says happily.

"I can't believe it either." Alexis says.

"Alexis!" Spanky says as he looks at Alexis.

"I thought the talent show was free?" Alexis asks.

"Oh uh this is a new last minute thing." Spanky says nervously.

"Uh-huh and this wouldn't have to do with you guys trying to build a new clubhouse would it?" Alexis asks.

"Uh maybe." Spanky says nervously before Alexis chuckles.

"Here Spanky." Alexis says as she holds out ten dollars.

"Wow. You're giving me all this?" Spanky asks as he takes the money.

"Call it currency between friends. See you inside." Alexis says as she smiles at Spanky before heading inside.


"Whoo! Nice suit kid!" An audience member shouts as Waldo and Darla go on and perform their singing duet.

"You were amazing Darla." Alexis says as Darla comes over to her.

"Thanks Alexis." Darla says before she and Alexis see Alfalfa go on stage.

"This is a song about a tragic romance. I once fell in love with a girl...and through schemes and by my best friend...she came to think I was nothin' more...than a He-Man woman-Hater. But I'm a woman-lover!" Alfalfa says proudly.

"Oh no." Darla says as Alexis looks at her before seeing Spanky in the ground as he gives her an annoyed look.

"So let me raise a toast to the girl I love most in the whole world." Alfalfa says as he holds up a glass of water.

Darla- Please don't say my name. Please don't say my name." Darla says embarrassedly .

"Darla." Alfalfa says.

"Too late. He done said it." Alexis says as Alfalfa starts singing before bubbles begin coming out of his mouth much to his surprise before he gets caught on a moon decoration and falls to the ground with it still singing happily.

"Oh I hate you Alfalfa." Darla says angrily before she leaves as Alexis follows after her.


"Hey Spanky." Alexis says happily as she goes up to Spanky outside his house in wolf form.

"Go away Alexis. I'm not in the mood." Spanky says.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Alfalfa. He isn't my friend anymore and all because of a girl." Spanky says.

"Actually I don't blame him. With how you've been acting I don't blame him." Alexis says.

"What?" Spanky asks as he looks at Alexis.

"Spanky you've been doing nothing but promoting woman hating around him. He likes Darla." Alexis says.

"What do you know? You're a girl too." Spanky says angrily as Alexis gives an angry look.

"Well if that's the way you feel then be by yourself. I thought you were a kind person Spanky but my mistake. Never speak to me again." Alexis says as she runs off.

Girls Ain't So Bad The Little Rascals Spanky X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now