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"Hey there's the guys who stuck their necks out for us!" Spanky says as Alexis and Darla walk over to him and the boys after the race.

"I admit they turned out to be pretty okay." Alfalfa says.

"Put it there pals. You're two are okay guys. Us machismo types have a club... The He-Man woman-Haters Club. Alfalfa I'm extending a membership offer here. Now what is it?" Spanky asks as Waldo comes up angrily in a limo.

"That's not waldo or whoever his partner was!" Alfalfa says.

"You'll be from my lawyers." Waldo says angrily.

"Then who's this who saved our butts?" Spanky asks before Alexis and Darla take off their helmets while smiling.

"Hi boys." Alexis says as she smiles.

"What's up?" Darla asks.

"Girls!" Spanky and the other boys shout in shock.


"Now it gives me great pleasure to present this beautiful trophy...and the prize Alfalfa Switzer and Spanky McFarland. Is that a cowlick or are you just glad to see me? Ah the strong type eh?" A.J. Ferguson says as alfalfa smiles while Spanky is giving a sad look.

"Don't take this personal lady but my pal's real disappointed." Alfalfa says.

"Ohh! What's the matter cutie pie?" A.J. Ferguson asks as she looks at Spanky.

"Well we were just hopin' that...A.J. was gonna give us the trophy." Alfalfa says.

"Well boys today's your lucky day. 'Cause that's exactly who I am!" A.J. Ferguson says.

"You're the best race car driver there is!" Spanky says happily.

"Well you thank very much! You didn't do so bad yourself!" A.J. Ferguson shouts as she kisses Spanky on the cheek as he smiles.

"Say let's even things up. How 'bout one on this side?" Spanky asks as he smiles.

"There ya go!" A.J. Ferguson says as she chuckles and kisses Spanky's cheek.

"I saw what you did to save my hanky Alfalfa. That was very heartwarming." Darla says as the girls go over to the boys after they receive their prizes.

"And romantical." A girl says.

"And kinda foolish but definitely brave." Alexis says.

"Gee thanks but I thought you hated me." Alfalfa says in confusion.

"I don't hate you. It's just that sometimes you do mean things... like play mean pranks on me at our picnic." Darla says as Spanky steps forward.

"Uh I can explain that. It was me who messed up your picnic with Alfalfa. You see I thought you was tryin' to steal my best friend. I thought you were tryin' to ruin our club. But I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry, you guys." Spanky says as Alexis smiles at him.

"My Alfalfinator!" Darla says happily.

"My Darlooney!" Alfalfa says happily as he and Darla hug.


"Alexis I'm awful sorry about how I treated you. I'm just happy you forgave me." Spanky says as Alexis is with him and the others at the clubhouse.

"What are friends for? Besides I like you Spanky." Alexis says as she smiles at Spanky causing him to smile.

"Say! Have we betrayed our forefathers? Have we trampled on the generations of honest woman-haters...who came before us?" Spanky asks.

"Uh-uh." Uh-Huh says as everyone looks at him in shock.

"Hey everybody! Uh-Huh's learned a new word!" Spanky shouts.

"Actually I've had a very extensive vocabulary...not to a phenomenal grasp of grammar... and a superlative command of syntax. I simply chose not to employ them." Uh-Huh says.

"Ohhh-tay!" Everybody shouts as girls kiss the boys.

"Well I guess things just have to change sometimes." Spanky says before he blushes as Alexis kisses his cheek.

Girls Ain't So Bad The Little Rascals Spanky X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now