The Race

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"Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls... Welcome to the 73rd go-cart derby!" A.J. Ferguson shouts as people are gathered around.

"Hey guys get in your cars! We're about to start!" The announcer shouts as Alexis and other kids get into their carts.

"The race course is marked with arrows... and it ends back here where it started from." A.J. Ferguson says.

"Sounds easy enough." Alexis says as she adjusts her helmet before noticing Alfalfa and Spanky before sighing and putting her hands on her steering wheel.

"The first racer to cross the finish line will receive... this genuine, gold-plated, cubic zirconium-encrusted trophy! As well as the donation of five hundred dollars! Gentlemen start your engines!" A.J. Ferguson shouts as she holds up a jar of money and a trophy.

"All right ready. Steady. One, two, three, go!" The announcer shouts as everyone in their carts takes off.

"Whoa! That was close. I didn't know Butch and Woim would be doing the race... Huh? I thought I had to turn here but I guess they changed it." Alexis says as she narrowly avoids some string thrown by Woim before following three other carts down a road.


"Man they're fast. Good thing mom helped me install this." Alexis says as she sees the other carts going faster before turning on some boosters on her cart and quickly catching up to two of the carts.

"Ah!" Spanky shouts as he and Alfalfa's cart is attacked by spikes on a white cart before their cart goes out of the control before Alexis uses the front of their cart to balance their cart out.

"Gee thanks!" Alfalfa says happily.

"Yeah. Thanks pal." Spanky says before he and Alfalfa drive off as Alexis nods at them.

"Huh? Hey! Need a lift?" Alexis asks as she stops seeing a kid in a white outfit on the side of the road.


"Looks like we made it back into the race." Darla says as she and Alexis find their way back into the race with the others.

"Yep and with good timing. Look!" Alexis says as she and Darla see Woim throw a smoke thrower onto Spanky and Alfalfa's cart.

"Oh no!" Darla says as the two boys begin to steer out of control from the smoke.

"I have a water spray bottle in the back. Can you get it?" Alexis asks as she steers next to Spanky and alfalfa.

"Got it." Darla says as she uses the bottle to put the smoke out.

"Hey mind your own business!" Woim shouts angrily.

"What a couple of guys!" Alfalfa says.

"Thanks pals!" Spanky shouts as Alexis and Darla wave to them before continuing to race.

"Huh? Are those two crazy?" Alexis asks as she and Darla then see Alfalfa on the hood of the cart as they're getting close to the finish like.

"No. He's romantic... But also crazy." Darla says before she and Alexis see Alfalfa with Darla's hanky as the two boys then cross the finish line much to the crowd's cheering.

Girls Ain't So Bad The Little Rascals Spanky X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now