Chapter 13: The Final Duel

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1st PoV:

The time has come for the fate of the world to be decided in a single duel "I wish" I mumble recalling all that has been changed by her inference as she is now standing across from Mai when it should be Marik & Yugi, I groan "Whatever"

"Let's begin," I state out of exhaustion. "Duel!"
Mai LP: 000 ----> 4000
Irene LP 000 ----> 4000
"I'll take the 1st move," I declare. "I summon Fortune Lady Water from hand, set 2 cards, and end my turn"
F.L. Water: Atk:1200/Def:1200
"My turn, draw" she scans her hand "I summon Amazoness Swordswoman"
Amazoness Swordswoman: Atk:1500/Def:1600
"Amazoness Swordswoman, attack" "I activate my Quick-Play spell, Time Passage, increasing my Lady Water's level by 3 for the rest of this turn" I state
F.L. Water: Atk:2100/Def:2100
Mai LP: 4000 ---->3400
"I end my turn," she sighs "My turn, Draw, Appear Fortune Fairy Hikari, I choose to not activate her effect, I play Miracle Stone, and my Lady Water's level increases"
F.L. Water: Atk:2000/Def:2000
F.F. Hikari: Def:500/Atk:500
"I sacrifice Lady Water to summon Fortune Fairy Dark"
F.L. Dark: Atk:2500/Def:2500
"Lady Dark, attack Mai directly,"
Mai LP: 4000 ----> 1500
"I end my turn." "My turn, I draw, I set 1 card and summon Amazoness Blowpiper, and my turn"
Amazoness BlowPiper:Def:1500/Atk:800
"My turn I draw." I look at my hand. "I play Mausoleum of the Emporer and then tribute my 2 monsters, Come Forth  Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu"
Aslla Piscu: Atk:2500/Def:2500
"This duel is over" I shout "Aslla Piscu attacks" It screeches and wipes her field, LP, & blows her back a few feet
Mai LP: 900 ----> 000
"Nice Try, Mai" "Thanks for the Duel, Irene, you're too good, I'll have to try even harder if I wanna beat you," she says with a smile handing me the Winged Dragon of Ra

"Well, this was swell, but I would like to return home to my bed, so how about we go" I state but I hear "Wait" we all turn to see an injured Marik with Ishizu & Odion supporting him "Pharoah," he says as they approach Yugi, "I'll let them tell him," I say muttering before walking off and making my way back to the ship

I see Kaiba and sneak my way up to him and pop up beside him "Sup, sunshine" I see him jolt "You need something" "Yeah I do, I need someone to bother and you seem available" I smile he rolls his eyes "Actually if you can't tell I'm very busy" he says "I guess you are, shame" I pat his shoulder and peck him on the cheek "See ya Sunshine" walk off confidently "Wtf did I just do" I mutter to myself "I think I just took the teasing too far" I say face planting on the bed of my room "If possible, let this never be brought up again" I say before sleeping.

*Few Days after the Tournament*

1st PoV:

I have finally settled back into my home  as I have a new mantle shelf cabinet thing that holds the Rod and has a space for the Necklace for when she sleeps "I'm glad I gave the God cards to Yugi, so the plot can maybe get back on track" I sigh "And if I'm lucky, I won't run into Kaiba soon" I sigh as I'm relaxing after another dive into my past-self which I've been doing since the end of the Tournament "Better to prep in case I'm dragged in along when the Pharoah tries to get his memories back" I sigh "So everything I've learned from these trips, I'm a friend of the Pharoah and sneak out to hang out with him, I'm someone who is skilled with Magic, & I've know the Pharoah for quite some time" I mutter

I sigh "best prepare for the Next Arc.Ugh, this could get tricky,

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