7 Proven Ab Workouts for Reducing Love Handles

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Abdominal exercises can do more than give you a six-pack. Properly performed ab workouts can effectively tone your core and reduce love handles, giving you a slender silhouette in no time.

Love handles are stubborn fat deposits that accumulate around the waist and hips. Targeted exercises are essential for getting rid of this excess flab.

Fortunately, there's no shortage of effective love-handle workouts available today. Here's a closer look at some of the 7 best ab workouts for reducing love handles:

Russian Twists: This simple but highly effective exercise helps to target those oblique muscles on either side of your abdomen. Start by sitting with your legs bent in front of you and arms extended out behind you for balance. Now twist from left to right, using your core muscles to control the movement while trying not to move your feet or legs too much. Doing 3 sets of 15 twists daily will help target your love handles quickly!

Bicycle Crunches: This is another great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles and target any remaining fat deposits in the midsection area that may be causing love handles. Start by lying flat on the floor with alternate elbows touching opposite knees while twisting each side at a time as if pedalling an imaginary bicycle. Be sure to alternate sides evenly so one side isn't neglected over the other. Bicycle crunches should be done in sets of 20-30 repetitions for best results!

Reverse Crunch: The reverse crunch is a great exercise for tightening both your core muscles and lower abs whilst specifically targeting any hard-to-shift love handle fat around the waistline area as well as any bulging belly fat that might be causing problems further up towards your chest area too! To perform a reverse crunch, simply lie flat and lift both knees towards the chin whilst squeezing core muscles tightly before lowering back down again – repeat this procedure 10 times per set for maximum benefits!

Oblique V Crunches: This unique ab workout focuses exclusively on targeting love handles and obliques, ensuring you get leaner faster around these troublesome areas! Start by lying flat on the floor with hands behind the head, then use only one arm at a time to raise the torso off the floor while simultaneously rotating the trunk sideways – once raised, switch arms until complete all desired reps (we recommend beginning with 3 sets of 10). Be sure not to push too hard, though, as stretching obliques too far could lead to injury, so proceed with caution!

Leg Raises With Resistance Band: For those looking for an extra challenge in toning their midsection, leg raises aided by resistance bands can offer want you need! Beginner-level leg raises are fairly straightforward – start by lying flat on your back whilst holding the ends of the resistance band above your head, then slowly raise your legs up toward the ceiling before returning down again – repeat this procedure 8 times per set before taking a short break then repeating once again (we recommend beginning with 2 sets). As fitness levels improve, increase the number of reps per set and the intensity level applied when pulling against bands - always work within limits, though, so don't overdo it!

Interval Training: HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is an excellent way to burn body fat quickly and effectually shed those pesky pounds around the waistline area which may lead to further issues such as love handles further down the line if not kept under control properly! Start slow, begin with 4-minute intervals alternating between low-intensity work (i.e walking) followed by high-intensity work (i .e, sprinting) – increase intensity/ duration levels depending on how to fit the individual - always take into account pre-existing conditions/ injuries before attempting HIIT though or else risk doing more harm than a good long term!

Cross Body Crunch: This fast-paced workout targets both your upper abs and lower abs, simultaneously helping speed up the process and burning excess fat from the midsection even quicker than normal ab workout routines alone would allow– start by lying face up, then reach across the body with the right hand while pushing left knee away from shoulder before switching sides after have completed each rep (we recommend starting gently doing 3 sets 10 reps), after few weeks increase number reps/sets till eventually able build up enough strength perform full routine without breaking stride throughout the entire session – remember to go slow at first stay within limits ensure safety top priority throughout entire process regardless what level fitness individual currently operates at !

These seven ab workouts are proven effective ways to cover most individual's needs when toning core-reducing trouble spots like Love Handles, whatever current shape they might find themselves in– Naturally, there are some exceptions depending upon the personal situation. If still unsure which exercises are appropriate, please consult professional medical advice before undertaking any of these routines at home to ensure the chances of success are significantly higher!

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