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After that long deathly stare at the silver-haired Gladiatrix Champion, Himeno Yuusha continued on her way minding her own business. Her Kaiser Ryan Radars just followed her wherever she goes like a good and obedient puppy.

"What was that all about?" Firius asked.

"She's just as rude as ever!" Esthesia exclaimed her comment, gritting her teeth.

"Did something happen to you and Himeno Yuusha?" Raynevere tilted her head.

My fiance seemed to hit the spot right there as Master Sefiras smiled moderately as she crossed her arms.

"Well, we did not have some sort of grudge unlike you two Rayne, but you can say that we are rivals," Sefiras said.

"Rivals?" Raynevere asked once again, her curiosity getting tickled.

"I told you before that Himeno Yuusha and Ryan Radars are Master-Grade Gladiatrix and Kaisers, right? That means she is in the same division as me. I remember we registered on the KG Guild on the very same day, and we had our share of Battle Fiestas."

"So you two fought each other!?" Firius pumped his fists. He's getting curious too!

Never mind our Gladiators and Gladiatrices, I'm curious too so I lend my ears to Master Sefiras as she continued her story.

"Sometimes, we win. Sometimes, it's them. There are even a lot of draws on our skirmishes. I don't count all our battles but I think we're about at a stalemate. Himeno Yuusha is a force to be reckoned with, and Ryan Radars is one of those geniuses in the Kaiser community. My nephew is a way dumber Kaiser in comparison." Sefiras said.

"Stop involving me with your story, auntie. Ryan Radars is brilliant, but sometimes I outsmart him too!" Nigel said.

"B-But you are more powerful, right? I mean, you are the Master-Grade Battle Fiesta Champion!" Esthesia worriedly said.

"I'm not so sure about that. I may be the champion, but we never fought in the last Master-Grade Battle Fiesta. She's not a fan of standing out." Siferas held her chin.

Come to think of it, I never saw Himeno Yuusha on most Battle Fiestas streamed on the internet, especially the last one. Maybe her brutality in her fights was screened out due to the censorship of most sites in our country.

"What was the reason why she didn't join the Master-Grade Battle Fiesta?" Raynevere asked. My betrothed sure is a curious gossiper.

"I am not so sure about this either, but rumors said that she took care of her father at that time. There are also rumors that she is preparing for her business matters, which must be the elections of Treenity Innovations' president. I also heard that she's after a piece of information from the company archives. All of these are rumors about her, but I think there's something about your family's company, Rayne." Siferas said.

"Well that's one more motivation for her, and one more reason for you to defeat her!" Firius patted my shoulder.

"Yeah! Crush her dreams for all of our sakes!" Esthesia said.

I just ignored Firius' and Esthesia's remarks as I was bathed in deep thought. Himeno is also after the Treenity Innovation Archives, which means she wants the truth. Was it about her allegations about the corporation's human experimentation in which Raynevere's grandfather and Himeno's father were involved?

Or was it about the Cyberdemons and the Masked Kaiser?

"Well, just don't think too much and focus on your next battle." Nigel snapped me out of deep thought as he slapped my back.

"Ow!" I cried.

"Remember, Zane and Rayne. The reason why I fought you with full force during the past weeks of training is that Himeno Yuusha is on my level. This means she is akin to being a Master-Grade Level Gladiatrix, and her Kaiser is also a veteran in Gladiator Battles. If you beat her, you will be as strong as us." Sefiras said with a reassuring smile.

"Good luck! We will be watching you two from the audience seat!" Nigel waved his hand.

"Go beat them, tigers!" Esthesia and Firius cheered.

"Don't worry! We will defeat them for sure! Right, Elzane?" Raynevere looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah. One more fight, and we will face them on the battlefield." I answered.

As we waved goodbye to our supporters and masters, Raynevere and I proceeded to the backstage rooms to wait for our turn. Since Bracket A has been tremendously thinned out, there will be fewer battles before our names will be called again.

But for now, we have to watch how the enemy fights first.

"For the third round of this Battle Fiesta, we will have the brutal pair Ryan Radars and Himeno Yuusha fight again!" The emcee shouted through the mic.

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