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"Psst.. (Y/N).."


"I know you hear me (Y/N)."

'Nope.. not at all.'


I turn back in frustration, "What do you want Miki?!" I whisper yell at her. Miki jumps back and shudders.

She pointed at the door, "Ugh.. rude! Anyways look at the door, those nerds are totally staring at you, I think they have a crush on you~ ♡" I quickly take her hand and put her arm down.

"Stop pointing at people! You're embarrassing me," I side eye at the doorway, and see that Miki was indeed, in fact, not wrong. There was 4 dudes peeking at me through my classroom doorway.

Once they notice me, which wasn't that quick, they stare at me and go back into hiding. Even though I can see some of their hairs peering out from the door way. I start to laugh a bit.

They heard the laughing, and looked into the classroom again, however, this time I notice them blushing. I stare at them suspiciously, and they stare at me back. I stand up, and they quickly scurry away.

I smirk, and make my way over to the doorway, before I closed the door, I noticed something on the ground. 'Ooh...'

   I squatted on the ground to pick it up, it was a white rose. I have to admit now that these guys do have a good taste.. in flowers of course. I think about it, 'Did they leave this here on purpose..?'

I look from side to side down the hallways to make sure nobody was watching me. For a bit, I thought I saw a glimpse of a figure, but once I look back it wasn't there.

'Mmm.. probably just my imagination.'

However, I didn't check well enough, because unbeknownst to me a certain red-headed person was watching me intently, watching me pick up the rose.

I get back into the room silently with the white rose in my grasp and shut the door. I then head over back to where I sit, and showed Miki the rose, "Look at what they left me."

Miki is dumbfounded, "Did you not find that creepy at all?" I then shake my head, disagreeing with her statement.

"Nah.. it's just a harmless crush, it can't be that bad." I say while twirling the rose in my fingers.

'I haven't seen these people around before.. probably in the lowest class. Makes sense, they are preettyy goofy...'

Miki then gets up from her seat, "Whatever you say, just don't get me involved with your crazy lover boys." I laugh at this.

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