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   'Why did I do this to myself!?' I say, while looking at the angry parents in the door

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   'Why did I do this to myself!?' I say, while looking at the angry parents in the door. My father points at me and tells me to come over here, which I obliged. I lay my head down, ready to get scolded for having boys over uninvited.

However, I was surprised when I felt a head pat instead of a slap. As I look up, my dad looks at me weird, along with mother. "What? Did 'cha think I was gonna hit ya? I'm literally your father, you've known me for your whole life!"


I sweat, "My bad pa." I turn around to see the boys, and their looks were all flabbergasted, except for Takuya, he was laughing. I then laugh a little with him— "However! I still want to know why these boys are here." My laughter stops.

Me and my parents go to my room and I can see Makoto and Yamagishi praying, Atsushi crying for me, and Takuya was just smiling the whole time. I open the door and proceed to go to sit on my bed.

   My parents sat down too, right in front of me, so the only thing I could see is their stares digging into my skin. I shudder for a second, and then proceed to talk about what happened. Except I didn't tell the whole story, mostly just not the rose part and the 'W rizz.'


    The door flew open.

"Don't get mad at her it's our faul—" Yamagishi gets shoved over by Atsushi.

"Yeah! Don't abuse her, she helped us!"

"Don't you dare hurt her pretty face!"

"Guys.. you broke her door."

'Ah... what the hell?'

"CAN YOU GUYS JUST STOP BEING FUCKING TWATS FOR ONCE?!" I run up to them and pound them on their heads, one hit, and they were automatically on the floor. I turn back in embarrassment to face my parents and immediately cover my mouth now realizing what I had said.

They were just as dumbfounded as me. Now I have to explain what happened earlier, ALONG with paying for my now broken door.

    'Just great.'

   Over the coarse of the next 10 minutes, included the boys apologizing profusely and trying to explain with me what happened that led them here. To follow my original plan I had to whisper to them to not talk about the rose.

    "Wow. So that's the whole story..." My dad says, me surprised that he was that calm with it. Then he went up, told my mom to come with him and walked out of my room.

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