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     "KILL ME!" I yell as I pop out from under the blankets

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     "KILL ME!" I yell as I pop out from under the blankets. The sky is a bright blue outside, and there's birds chirping, a bit suspicious for it supposedly being 6 in the morning, the time I have to wake up for school.

     I groan as I reach for my phone to check on it.

     'I really need to start setting alarms again.'

    "FUCK!" I say as I bolt out of my bed, straight to finding my uniform for school. It had been 6:55 A.M.  which was exactly 5 minutes from when school start. While fumbling to put on my clothes, I quickly run to the bathroom to do the necessities.

    Brush my teeth, my hair, put on deodorant. Except I had to do a really bad job, because I only gave myself a one minute time limit. "Shit, shit, shit!" I managed to slip my shoes on in 15 seconds, then running out the door right after.

The bus was at my bus stop, beginning to drive-on forward. Quickly, I ran in front of the bus, wailing my arms to stop. Immediately after, I see my bus driver screaming, "What the fuck!" As he sighed and opened the bus doors.

"Phew." I quietly whisper. I was overly lucky that I was the first bus stop, but then realized there was more than me at that bus stop. When I got on the bus I made sure to not make eye contact with the other people as I hear them whispering about me.

'This is definitely going to get out in about a day.'

    When the bus was at the school, without looking at anybody again, I quickly get off the bus and into the school.

    Once I walk into the school, unfortunately, everybody started to stare at me.

    'You gotta be kidding me.'

    Everyone's eyes were judging me, except the 4 pairs of eyes belonging to a certain group of idiotic dumbasses. Well, they were staring at me too. Just not as judge-mental and more as they're staring at me like I'm a very hot anime girl.

    However that didn't last as long as I was expecting, because after a split second, they ran to me and crowded me. Trying the best they can to hide me from anyone who's staring.

   Mostly everyone tried to act like they weren't paying attention, but the ones who wanted to be assholes and kept staring at me got two fingers up the nose by Yamagishi with his side-kick Makoto.

   "Keep your eyes off her! Only we can stare at her beautiful.... beauty?"

   "At least he tried." Akkun bluntly states.

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