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(M/N): Middle Name
(L/N): Last Name

   I need to pray to god later, literally so thankful that my parents are currently not present at my house right now since they're at work

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I need to pray to god later, literally so thankful that my parents are currently not present at my house right now since they're at work.

'Perfect moment to let 4 injured boys that are infatuated with me, and not to mention that I BARELY know into my house. I love being smart!!'

I sigh and push the 4 dudes into my house. Do I regret doing this? Maybe, probably, they took my chance to get some good snacks and made me spent it on medical supplies instead.

'Oh.. my mom is so going to kill me later when she finds out!'

I doubt these guys have ever been in a girl's house that's not their mom's before either.

"Wow this place is so cool!"

Yep, my guess was correct, it's just a normal house dude, nothing special. "I guess, it's really just an ordinary house."

"Yeah.. but it's different, it smells like girls!" The mullet one remarks. Honestly, it feels like I should be grossed out, but I've had to live with my uncles before so it's not that bad.. I guess?

Immediately, the one with coochie hair on his head slaps his hand over mullet's mouth. He apologizes, "Sorry 'bout him."

"It's okay..?" It was more of a question than full-on accepting his unneeded apology.

'Oh yeah!'

I cough, "Anywayys, it's time for you guys to lay down! Didn't y'all get like severely injured, or did you just want me to spend my own hard-working money on non-necessities?" Clearly making an evil eye at them.

They gulp and immediately comply to my command.

I groan, 'They're only helping my controlling tendencies.'

  I clasps my hands together, "Alright, boys, it's time for you to tell me who you are since you all clearly know who I am!"

  "Alright I'll go f—"

  "No! I get to to first!"

  "I think I'm the most calm one here, I should go first."

   I hear a lone voice amongst the 4.

   "My name is Takuya Yamamoto, it's finally nice to talk to you (Y/N).." He then smiles in the most sweetest way possible. He lends his hand out and I happily take it, shaking it as fast as I could.

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