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(F/G) - Favorite Game

Also TW:
Mortal Kombat Stuff (We talk about a little bit of gore)

Also TW:Mortal Kombat Stuff (We talk about a little bit of gore)

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    "Can someone tell me why the fuck I'm here again?"

"Well you're coming to hang out with us." Akkun says as he turns to smile at me, I would smile back except I'm being roughly dragged throughout the gravel of the road.

I look at them angrily, "Yeah but you didn't have to come to my house and drag me out of my room! My parents are going to think you guys kidnapped me!" I pause for a second,

"And it didn't even help that you said you were going to bring me back when you quote in quote felt like it." The group just keeps walking on, not finding anything wrong with what they said.

Makoto looks at you, "Well, if we told you directly then you would've said no, this was the best option." He then shrugs as he turns back to face forward.

"I expected this from you and Yamagishi." I then look toward Akkun and Takuya, "But you guys? Seriously? You're supposed to be the rational ones!"

Takuya does his little laugh, "Well.. I guess we're just both full of surprises." He then grins ever so innocently and faces forward to keep focusing on walking.

'Any relationship that I've had with any of these goofies are GONE.'

'and I can't even do anything about it...' I just wave a little white flag in my mind and bask in defeat.. just great.

I look around us, hoping nobody sees anything, 'This better not get on the news.'

"How long is it going to be til' we get there?" I ask, not wanting my back to take in anymore pain it couldn't handle. Which I probably should've told them before hand, but it's fine, they can pay my medical bills... or maybe not.

These guys are flat out broke as fuck.

And my attempt in asking them of course failed, as after I asked, they flat out ignored me like the dumbasses they are. I tend to ask myself why I still put up this crap.

'I mean if I leave them my only source of entertainment would be gone.. big no no.'

After like a few minutes, we reached a house in the middle of the woods. It had green and red flashing Christmas lights and a big sign that had the words, "Man Cave", written on it. Except somehow the a was written backwards.

'I would like to say I'm surprised.'

    "I still think I should've been the one to write the sign." Akkun says, not really admiring the big sign above the door.

    Makoto cries, "Dude! I put all of my work into this sign, it's amazing!" He flails his hands around hitting Akkun on the back multiple times while Yamagishi is just being Yamagishi and crossing his arms, nodding his head to everything that Makoto says.

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