Sofiya, accounts of the war

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(A/N this is just a way to tell the past, just think that Arthur found Sofiya's accounts of the war somewhere and at some point in the future, the picture above is what Sofiya looks like, I don't own the art, credit to its creator)

Artem: so what was that about

Sofiya: just someone giving us a chance to have a family

I say it helps me sleep at night knowing we gave them a chance to surrender, but it doesn't really, every time I try and ask, it's always the same, the refuse, but I can see why, but meeting both Arthur and Jackson, it's only worse knowing that they were good people and that they won't get to live, especially with the promise made by Jackson to forfeit his life to us,

Artem: what's wrong, why are you crying?

I didn't even know I was crying,

Sofiya: this war has claimed so many lives of so many good people, along with countless innocent lives too, how many more will die before the war ends

Artem: I know what you mean sis, to many have died on both sides, like that Arthur human outside of Königsberg he seemed like a good human

Sofiya: so is that human we just talked to, he promised to not fight us if we run into him, why must good people like him have to die

Artem: I don't know sis, I don't know

We arrive back at are line and see an officer giving a speech from atop a raised platform,

(A/N something similar to what he said a least)

We ignore the speech as it's just not good, why don't we show mercy, why must we kill every human, this war makes no sense, no one even knows how it started, just that it did,

???: first lieutenant Sofiya and second lieutenant Artem, your back, good to see you again

Sofiya: Major Sergei

Both me and my brother Artem salute the major

Major: at ease, I see our offer of surrender was declined

Sofiya: sadly yes

Major: well at least you tried, second lieutenant Artem, I have good news and bad news for you, good news is you have been promoted to first lieutenant, bad news is this

The major then takes something off his back and hands it to my brother, it a flag, that means,

Major: sorry first lieutenant, you will be a banner bearer

Artem: why sir?

Major: it wasn't my decision, but the commissar ordered it be given to you, there's nothing I could do, make us proud and plant that flag on the top of their capitol building

Artem: yes major Sergei

Major: looks like the commissar is about to give another speech, he's tuned on the loudspeaker

Commissar: Charge!!

And with that the battle begins, thousands of our soldiers charge forward, and hundreds are killed every second, luckily me and my brother use one of our tanks as cover as we advance, our ring of steel begins closing around the city, within a few hours, we take the outside of the city, now comes the brutal urban fighting that me and my brother survived in Königsberg,

*Time skips two weeks two days*

We finally made it to the capital building, there was a tank in the square that gave us trouble for about two hours, but now all that's left is to take the final building,

Commissar: go room by room and drag out every rat you find! show no mercy!

Sofiya: you ready for this, one last effort

Artem looks up from his journal,

Artem: ready as I'll ever be

Then the commissar comes up to us, and grabs Artemis's journal,

Commissar: no one will ever read this

Then tosses it aside,

Commissar: now go, we're through the doors

The commissar then leaves and heads through the doors into the fighting, I go to grab Artem's journal but are hands meet at the same time, and I blush,

Artem: just one more effort, right, then I can do that

Sofiya: that's my big brother

And with that, we head into the building and fight are way to the top of the building, it takes us two hours to do so, I haven't seen or faced Jackson yet, hopefully I won't have to, we reach the top of the buildings and make are way to the end of the roof, there's only a few defenders left up here, someone throws a grenade and gets rid of the last defenders, then Artem rushes forward with the flag, and I rush forward with him but he's ahead of me, he jumps over the cover the defender were using, then is shot and falls down but keeps the flag raised, jumping over to him, I see that he's been shot in the arm, looking forward I see who shot him, and I see Jackson next to a dead soldier, he's the last one alive,

I draw my saber and rush him and run him through, he doesn't even try to move or stop me,

Sofiya: sorry it had to end this way

I have tears in my eyes and am almost crying,

Jackson: it's ok *cough* after all I did break my promise to you and your brother *cough* well April, here I come

He then closes his eyes and falls to the ground dead, then I see my brother steadily walking towards the enemy flag, I run over and cut the flag down from its pole,

Sofiya: one last effort

And with that, Artem plants our flag down and we see it unravel a flow in the wind, we finally did it, the wars over,

(A/N I might add more to this one later, like a five year time skip, to give more depth to these two)

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