03- Big bro's back

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With Damon back in town there where too very different reaction's

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With Damon back in town there where too very different reaction's. Stefan was cautious he had no clue what Damon was up to and it left him on edge, and he hated it. Stefan knew that Damon still knew it was his year to have Nathan with him so that could be why he came, to get Nate away quicker.

But the youngest Salvatore just didn't know.

Whereas Nathan was filled with excitement, Damon always knew how to make a boring place fun, and when ever Nathan was with his older brother there was always a certain comfort that followed him around in knowing that if something ever went wrong Damon would be there to save him. Nathan was not stupid he knew his too brother's hated eachother and he knew why, but they always drew the line at fighting infront of Nathan.

So maybe he was selfish, because he was enjoying the fact that they where all under the same roof again.

He walked past Stefan's room to see him writing his morning entry in his dairy, he carried on his walk downstairs to spot Damon at the table with a mug in his hand and newspaper in the other.

He still wore his Pj's from the night which was just a pair of joggers and black tank top.

"See now you look like a real teenage boy?" Damon looked up from his mug at his brother watching him head to the vampcakes he made for him.

Nathan grabbed the vampcakes and walked over to the table sitting infront of Damon with furrowed eyebrows. "I always look like a teenage boy."

Damon let out a snort. "What teenage boy's do you know that were suit's?" He watched as Nate open and closed his mouth trying to come up with an answer but in the end just ate his food.

"I'm not changing my style."

"Hey! i'm not judding your rich boy clothes. I think it's nice how you show of how rich we are." Damon sent his brother a wink who chuckled at his words knowing that was what they both knew Nathan was doing.

They sat in a peaceful silence while Nathan ate and Damon finshed his coffee, once he was done Nathan cleaned away both there things making sure the kitchen was tidy before he went to go get changed for school.

Damon caught up with his brother not letting him go into his room as he tossed the car key's at him. "Skip first lesson i'll take you for a lesson."

"You sure?" Nathan tilted his head dangiling the keys in his hand. "The last time you did that you almost threw up."

"Correction i did thow up, and almost lost my lovely pretty head." Damon pointed to his head with a smile.

They both turned there heads when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked to see Stefan ready for school with a book in his hand. Damon rolled his eyes at the sight of him before going into the living room while Nathan smiled stepping closer.

"Damon's taking me on a lesson, so i won't be in for first lesson." Nathan said before looking down at the book in Stefan's hand. "What you doing with that?"

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