12- Road trip

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Nathan didn't expect to be here. Not ever in his life did he think he would be here. In a car with a passed out Elena Gilbert in his passenger seat, with a dry tear down her cheek.

He didn't know Elena that well, and a part of him maybe didn't like her either. But seeing her cry as she came running out of his house. He didn't like it. Nathan never liked to see women cry. It hurt his heart.

She had run past him stressing as she got in her car, so Nathan followed her. He had a feeling that she wouldn't be safe driving in a state like that.

Luckily, Nathan showed up at her car window that had rolled over and was in the woods, seeing as she had crashed her car.

"How you doing down there?" Nathan questioned as he ripped of Elena's door. Mumbeling about buying her a new car when they got back home.

Elena looked up in suprise. "Nathan?"

Nathan hummed as he assessed the girl. "You look stuck." He said, as he tried to find what could be wrong.

"It's my seatbelt." Elena stressed. She turned away from the boy when he gave her a pity smile, seeing the tears on her face. "I can't get it." She tried yanking at it over and over again.

Nathan quickly grabbed her hands, gently rubbing them. "Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof. Just like that. Are you ready? 1, 2, 3." Nathan broke the seatbelt off. "I got you." He whispered as he picked her up out of the car.

He set her down on the ground, grabbing her arms when she stumbled slightly. He couldn't smell any blood on her. See seemed to be a bit bruised.

"Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?" He questioned as he held her face in his hands. "Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena. Elena, look at me." Nathan's eyes flickered nervously around her face. "Focus. Look at me. Okay."

"I look like her." Elena whispered as she stared at Nathan. Her heart thumped. She felt like she couldn't breathe.

Nathan looked at her confused. "What?"

Elena faints, and before she can fall, Nathan catches her and gently puts her on the ground. He takes a deep breath, pushing the hair out of her eyes.

"Up we go."

So that led them to where the two are now, sitting in the car as Nathan, struggled to drive to Georgia. He had already hit another car and ran over someone's lawn, nearly hit a dog.

Luckily, his old lessons with Damon seemed to be helping a little more.

Okay, they helped a little. And the videos Caroline had been sending him on driving.

It was around the morning, his clock said nine o'clock, Elena had been passed out since night.

At least one of them was getting a good nights sleep. Nathan had to concentrate on driving and not killing Elena in a car crash. Stefan wouldn't like that.

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