Chapter 2.

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Finally home from school. My mom is still working she doesn't get out until 8:00. I walk up to my room and open my laptop. I do some research on Adam.

I look him up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and there's nothing he's just a big mystery. He seemed kind've quiet and independent. I've got to talk to him tomorrow I've got to. I hear the door ring I think to myself who could be here this late. I walk downstairs and here the doorbell ring again. I open the door and its Adam.

I ask him who he was as if I didn't know. "Who are you?". "I'm Adam the one that goes to your school, we have history together?". "Oh yeah right!". We both stand and it gets silent for a while.

"So what did you want?". "I need you to come over tomorrow if it's alright?" Adam says. I look at him blankly for a moment. I stutter. "W-w-hy do you need me to come over though?". "Come over and find out." Adam says roughly. "Ok fine." I said giving him my attitude.

He walks away as I stare at him. I go back up stairs. I here the doorbell again. "Oh my gosh who is it now!" I yelled. I open the door and there's no one there. "Hello?" I said. Still no reply. "Really funny Adam you can come out now." I say nervously. I here something in the bushes I lock the door as fast as I can then run upstairs to my room and lock the door.

"What the hell just happened."I think to myself. I try calling my mom but no answer I just got her voice message. "Thats weird she usually always answers." I say to myself. "That's it I'm just going to go to sleep now." I go to sleep for about 2 hours.

I wake up because I here my phone go off. I check to see what it was. And it was just and email so I just went back to sleep. As soon as I was about to go to sleep I here my front door open. "What the hell was that?" I said as if somebody's was in the room with me. I grab a knife, I go downstairs to see who it was.

It was so dark I could hardly see. I walk and walk and search my house I ran into someone. "Shit!" I screamed. Turning a light on as soon as I can, I turn it on and it's just my mom and that guy she was dating. I didn't know that much about him. "Gosh mom you scared me half to death!" I said relieved. "Sorry, oh Chloe meet my new date Mark." My mom says. "Hi, Mark I'm Chloe". "Nice to meet you, I'm Mark." He said.

"Oh Chloe, Mark is going to stay the night if that's okay with you?". "Of course he can." I said with a fake smile. I'm really not comfortable with this. I can't believe my mom would let a man she hardly knows in our house.

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