Chapter 13.

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"Who is that?" Sara asks. "Mark." I say angrily. "Where's my mom." "She decided to stay at home." He said calmly. "Get in the car." Mark said. We both take a long look at him. "Are you guys coming or not?" He said sounding like he was frustrated.

We both walk to one of the car doors. Sara on the left side of the car and I'm on the right side of the car. Niether of us sat in the front seat. He pulls off and we're finally leaving. Its totally quiet. I try to bring up a conversation.

"Do you know where you're going?" I said. Sara looks at me. "Well I got here didn't I?" He says giving me his attitude. "Sorry for asking." I say sarcastically. Marks phone rings. Before he picks it up I saw the person who called.

It said Adam. "What the hell I think to myself. Why would Adam be calling Mark? How would he be able to call him he's dead. Well I know for a fact Adam was hurt. But he wasn't in the tub when I woke up. He has to be alive.

All this thinking is making my head hurt. I wonder why Sara's so quiet. "Sara are you okay?" I ask.
"Oh, umm yeah." She says nervously. Yeah she's definitely shook about something. I look out the window and it looked like we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Mark?" I ask. "What." He says. "Are you sure you know where we're going." I ask. "Yes!" He screams. "Okay okay.". It's now been forever and Chloe's asleep. Mark thinks I'm sleep and goes into someone's front door. I look in the car to see if there's a phone or anything.

"Dammit." I say. Can't help but notice a shiny piece of metal under the seat. But it was just any metal it was gun. Mark comes out with a package. And runs back to the car I put the gun back where it was. I close my eyes and lay my head against the car door as if I was sleep.

He gets back in the car and starts the engine. What the hell is Mark doing I think to myself. What's in the package? Who's he trying to give it too? So many questions. Maybe I should just ask him. Wait no, then he'll know I'm on to him.

Damn Sara is still sleeping. I ask Mark what time it is. "Hey Mark what time is it?" I ask. "You sure have a lot of questions." He said. "Answer the question.". "And if I don't?" He said. "You know what never mind."

"Chloe things are going to change around here, you think you can talk to me any kind of way, but you're going to respect me." He says. "And what if I don't?" I say giving him my attitude. "You're going to wish you stayed missing." He said with a grin on his face. "Is that threat?" I ask angrily.

"More importantly how'd you know I was missing." I ask. As soon as he was about to answer. A huge truck comes crashing towards our car. And everything goes black. I finally wake up.

I'm a few feet away from the car. And my arm is messed up really bad. There's blood everywhere. Oh my god Sara was sleep! I started to cry. My arm hurt so bad. I walk over to the crushed car. I was crying so hard to the point I couldn't even see straight.

I look inside and Sara isn't in the car niether is Mark. What the hell. I'm in the middle of nowhere. Is this all part of Marks plan or something. I just couldn't stop crying. Knowing that my big sister was held hostage for two years. And now is missing again.

I couldn't even think straight. There were absolutely no cars on this road. I'm lost. But how could they have left so fast. Was I really knocked out for that long? I try and scream out names.

"Sara!" I scream. "Mark!" I scream. I yelled there names for about an hour. Hoping that they'll scream back. It was dead silent out here. I couldn't help but notice a trail of blood. I follow the trail of blood.

I have to find Sara. I'll kill for her. I walk off into the trees and follow the blood. Hoping I can find Sara.

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