Chapter 26.

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"They have all of them?" I ask.

"Yeah all your little buddies and family."

I see Jolene and Rebecca standing over on the other side listening.

"Where are they?"
"They are all in remote corners of the world, Jessie is Mexico, Rodney is in Peru, You're dad is in Oahu, your sister is in Brazil."

"You said everyone except my mom, where's my mom. I say angrily.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He says with an evil grin.

"Why are you doing this I've done nothing to you."
"Just bosses rules."

"Who the hell is this boss?" I ask angrily

"I can't tell you that." He walks away and leaves.

H stops himself.

"Oh and Chloe boss wants something from you."

"Which is?"

He walks over and whispers in my ear.

"You're baby."

"No cant do that."

"Well if you want your family and friends I suggest the offer.

I fall on my knees crying. Why would he just keep taking people away from me. What did I do? Rebecca and Jolene run over by my side and stood me up.

"What'd he tell you." Jolene asks.

"I-I can't tell you." I stutter.
"Chloe if we're going to be in this together you have to tell me these types of things now what did he say to you?"

"I can't tell you." I say sadly

"Ok, let's go get something to eat, for real this time." She says with a smile.

We all walk out this hell and get into the car.
"Where do you want to go Chloe?"

"Anywhere far from here."

We drive for about at least two hours. And we finally made it to a Waffle House. It pretty much was the only thing open. We all walked in and Jolene went to go get our table while be and Rebecca waited.

"What a crazy night." She says with giggle.

"Yeah." I say with a smirk.

"Chloe if their is anything you want me to do you name it."

"I want you to get my mom." I say look straight in her blue eyes.

Their was an awkward moment of silence. I've never been in this type position before. Family and friends kidnapped, I'm pregnant. What else will happen? And I really want to tell Jolene and Rebecca about my baby but I just can't. Because if I did I'd know exactly how'd they treat me. They would think I'm weak. I hate when people doubt me.

"Your guys' table is ready." The waiter said.

We all follow the waiter to our table. We all sit down in a booth and pick up our menu's to see what we want.

"Jolene where will we be sleeping?" I ask

"At my house."

"You have a house?"

"Um, yeah." She says laughing.

"I want the Waffle Combo." I say.

"Okay, I think I'm just going to get a cheese omelet, Rebecca what are you going to get?" Jolene asks.

"I'll just get a blueberry muffin with coffee." She says with a smile.

Our waiter finally got here and he took our orders. And now we had to wait for the food great. All this waiting is making me go crazy.

"Jolene how are we going to find all them."

"I honestly don't know Chloe."

My eyes started getting watery. Sometimes I feel like I won't find them. Put their is something that tells me to keep going. And eventually you will find them. I just don't anymore. They probably took them all out of this country because I closer each time. So close. And the thing that's really scaring me is this baby.

We see the waiter bring out our food on silver trays. I wipe the tears away from my eyes before  I make a scene.

"Finally food." I say laughing.

We all start to laugh.

We all literally licked our plates; we we're so hungry. Jolene leaves a check and pays for our meal. We start walking out to car.

"Wow Chloe looks like you gained a few pounds from that meal." She says laughing.

I look down at my stomach and notice my stomach is bulging. Shit this baby is coming faster then I thought. Ugh I need sleep we all are in the car riding to her house. And of course I fell asleep.

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