Chapter 27.

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I fell a tap on my shoulder and someone whispering my name.
"Chloe we're here." Rebecca says.

We step out the car. And I see this huge mansion.


It looked twice the size of the White House. We walk to the front door and Jolene unlocked the door it was huge. Crystal chandeliers stainless steal refrigerators. It was so beautiful.

"You can sleep in the guest room, follow me." Rebecca says.

I follow Rebecca up the stairs. And she opened a door.

"Here's your room, make yourself at home."

"Thank you so much."

I plop down on my bed and start to laugh. Feels good to laugh. I thought I would go and take a shower.

I went downstairs and asked Rebecca for some of her clothes

Finally all showered and ready for bed. I drop to the floor and felt this agonizing pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I went to the toilet, got on my knees and threw up.

I here a knock on the door.

"Chloe is everything okay?" Jolene asks.

"I'm fine." I say looking back at the door.
I stand up to get to the sink to wash my face off as if nothing happened. I walked out the door and Rebecca standing there looking at me.

"Are you sure you're ok Chloe."

"I'm positive, but thank you so much."

As soon as Rebecca walks away we hear Jolene ask us to come down stairs to the kitchen.

I turned my head my and saw a gun pointed to Jolene's head. And I couldn't focus on anything else but my mom. I started to cry.

"Mom! you let her go now." I scream. He then pointed the gun at me.

"Both of you on your knees now!" He screams.

We both willing get on our knees.

"What do you want from us?" Rebecca.

"I don't want anything from you or Jolene, I want something from Chloe." He says starting straight into my eyes.

"If you want me then I'll go with you just let them go."

I don't want you either, I want your baby he says with a grin.

I see Jolene and Rebecca starring at me in shock.

Everything was dead silent.

Just then I felt somethings leaking from my PJ's. it started dropping on the floor. I had finally realized that the baby is coming; it's here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book. There will be a book two of broken coming out in the summer of 2016. In the mean time I decided to make another book. Called "Twitter girl." So tune in for more reading! Thank you for reading! Love, Reggie (:

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