Chapter 16.

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We drive to the location where he said they put my mom. I tell my dad where to go once I get familiar to where I'm at. "Wait!" I scream. "What?" My dad said. "Lets stop at home?" I say ask nervously. "Okay you sure?" He says. "Positive." I say.

He makes a U-turn and before we know it we're there. I get out the car and open the door. I was expecting it to be unlocked.

I stand in the living room just looking around for a moment. I start crying. I fall to the floor and my dad comes and helps me up.

"You alright kiddo?" He asks. "I'm fine I've just been through a lot. Marks probably dead somewhere but at this point at really don't care.

When I first met him I knew there was something sketchy about him. But there's only one thing that's been on my mind. Who's bodies were in Adams house.

I've been overthinking about that lately.
It's finally beginning to feel some what normal again. I have this feeling inside that I know everything is going to be okay.

I walk upstairs to my room. As soon as I see my bed I plop down on my bed I start to giggle.

"Okay, Chloe lets go!" My dad says.

"Coming!" I say rushing down stairs. We both walk out the door and my dad waits by the door.

"What, what's wrong?" I ask. "Are you not going to lock the door?" My dad asks in sarcasm.

"Really dad, we don't have time for that lets go." I said starting to giggle.

It feels so nice to smile for once. Not just to smile but to be happy.

We get in the car once again. I check to see if Sara is still in the back.

She's still knocked out.
"Dad?" I say. "Yeah." He says with a worried look in his eyes. I stutter. W-w-where have you been all this time?" I say looking him in the eye.

He's quite for a moment. He looks around and fidgets with his fingers as if he's neverous to tell me.

"Dad." I say to get his attention. He hesitates to tell me.

"Fine, you know what I don't even want to know anymore." I said giving him my attitude. Great I thought my dad was different.

But it turns out he has secrets too. My subconscious is telling me to scream. Believe me I wanted to.

We ride in the car in school in silence. I hear moving the back seat.

"Oh my god, what happen?" Sarah said. At first I thought it was a voice in my head. I turn around realizing its Sarah!

"Sarah!" I said excitedly. I climb in the back seat. I hug Sara. "What happened?" Sara asks.

"Just take it easy, I'll fill you in later." I said calmly. "Okay." She says tilting her head back.

"Everything's going to be okay." I say laying my head on Sarah's shoulder.

"Are we almost there? My dad asks. Sarah jumps. "Who's that?" Sarah asks nervously. "It's okay, it's dad..." I say.

"But how?" Sarah says with a schocked face. Sarah climbs up front.

I barely realize our dad is a little too quite. I notice Sarah just staring at him.

"We're here." My dad says trying o get away from the awkwardness.

Okay, let's do this.

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