Chapter 2 Nemi

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Lord Kiriya decided that Giyu and I would be perfect for the next mission, he HAD to send Giyu, obviously he knew I was gay AND that I liked Giyu. What a little bitch, what do 8 year olds know about love... or is he 9 now? Whatever it was obvious that little ass is shipping us!!!

Well Tomioka is VERY gay... So maybe... 'No, Sanemi, don't get your hopes up!!! Giyu is only a follow hashira! He is just your best friend! Nothing more!!!' "UHHHHHHHG SHUT UP YOU STUPID BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I realized I said it out loud and the kakushi looked at me like I was insane... ...but maybe I am sooooooooooooo... Well I'd better meet up with Giyu soon so I guess I gotta go pack!

YAY! a new chapter I was 99.99% sure I was going to have a writers block!!!

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