It's Happening! Or is it...?

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:))))) I'M pretty sure the next chappy will be the last! Love yall enjoy!

Giyu PoV

He was back in the battle, the one that had haunted him since he had first dreamt it 3 months ago, but this time something was different but he could not tell what it was. Yet. Sanemi appeared behind the demon. To distract it he jumped tord i swinging his sword at the neck. The demon lashed out. Giyu was not fast enough; it just barely grazed his stomach, the poison claws growing to tear out more flesh. It started to burn. Not like fire but in the was it hurt like hell. He thought he saw Sanemi scream and cut off its head, but he could not be sure. He blacked out.

~2 days later~

Sanei's PoV

It's been 2 days since Giyu is still sleeping. Aoi cleaned and bandaged his wounds, his breathing had finally stabilized and the fever had died down. Kanao and Genya were fine. As a matter of fact the flower breathing user even had a new girlfriend! So did Genya... but it was a boyfriend, it's Muichiro, I think its cute but if that asshole- nevermind. I looked down as Giyu's eyes fluttered open. "AOI HE'S AWAKE!" I yelled. I hear her footsteps pounding over. She burst into the room and started the checkup, when she was done she allowed the kamados to come inside. Tanjirou and NEzuko looked super happy to see them. Then Nezuko whispered to me: the wedding is in a week. I know you like Giyu, ask him to go with you... I felt my face heat up. "Come on Tanjiro, let's leave the kids alone." She said to her brother. Ohhh, I'm going to kill her.

~Time skip to the day of the wedding~

(Still Sanemi PoV)

The doctor girl said that Giyu was in good enough condition to attend Iguro and Mitsuri's wedding. I was getting ready and I heard a knock on the door, I walked over and opened it. Giyu was there. I stepped aside and he came in. "Ihave to tell you something." He paused. What? WHAT? I wanted to yell at him but I let him take his time. Finally he continued. "I love you, I realized I did during the fight with that demon..." He paused again. "Well I love you too..." I said to fill the silence. And I realized I really did. I was about to kiss him when I woke with a start.

"WHY NOW!" I yelled. "Why now what brother?" Genya asked. "Nothing go back to sleep." I whispered.

Giyu PoV


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WE ARE FINALLY GETTING SOMEWHERE!!! I just realized that in all of my fandoms I only have like 12 straight ships...

L out--> 

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