柱 personality test (Hashira)

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My friend and I made this, please comment your results! Also sorry that the photo is so blurry...

[Voice (ask a friend)]

1. sickeningly sweet

2. Deep and optimistic

3. Flashy

4. you... don't really talk

5. too nice

6. like a snake

7. deep and gruff like you yell a lot.

8. soft and forgetful

9. praying mostly...?

[How much do you swear]

1. 1-2 times a day

2. I DON'T!

3. Only in bad situations when I know my plan will fail.

4. 10 times a day (but you don't like to talk)

5. Never!

6. When I feel like being mean (almost always)

7. Every Fucking sentance

8. Oh shit forgot...

9. I only pray.

[How aggressive are you???]

1. Bully, but I pretend to be nice.

2. Only toward demons!

3. No! I may punch or swear when I'm stressed or angry!

4. I enjoy glaring at people rather than being aggressive toward them.

5. No! I only see the good in people, make friends and don't push people away!

6. Elbow Tanjiro!

7. Nezuko staby staby!

8. No thank you, I would rather look at the clouds.

9. No point! I prefer to stop fights!

[Favorite animal]

1. Ewww bugs are better

2. Rooster!

3. The flashy ones

4. Salmon

5. Cats! CATS!

6. Snakes

7. Dog...?

8. Ummmmm... I forgot...

9. Crow

[How many friends?]

1. A few but I'm an asshole to all of them <3

2. A-LOT!

3. A few very good ones! (they are all very cool)

4. Ummm... like 3...


6. Leave me alone!

7. Fuck off.

8. Ohhh... I forgot..

9. I don't know, people mostly just look up to me.

[How often are you hurt?]

1. Not that often but when I am I am very good at cleaning wounds.


3. 1-2 times a year!

4. Not really that often...

5. Sometimes?

6. Sometimes, but mostly when my pets bite me.

7. Non stop, but mostly self inflicted.

8. Ummm. I don't know...

9. I Don't know, I'm very pain tolerant!


Mostly 1s You're Shinobu and you have problems.

Mostly 2s You're Rengoku... you may or may not like doughnuts.

Mostly 3s You're Uzui.. you're probably popular tho maybe not...

Mostly 4s. You're Tomioka and you're introverted.

Mostly 5s You'r Mitsuri everyone likes you but they can get SUPER annoyed at you.

Mostly 6s You'r Iguro and you're probably obsessed with snakes.

Mostly 7s You're Sanemi, do I need to say anything else?

Mostly 8s You're Muichiro and you have short term memory...

Mostly 9s You're Himjima and you're probably the pacemaker of your friend group.

I got Tomioka... My friend got.. Mitsuri I think... Bro I just forgot.

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