stressed ~ sam hubbard

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stressed ~ sam hubbard 

I'm at the edge of my seat. There's a little over a minute left in the fourth quarter. The Cincinnati Bengals are up by seven. 24-17. The Ravens' offense is down at the 20 yard line, and it's the third down. Their quarterback throws the ball to his receiver, he makes it a few yards, but is just shy of a first down. The Ravens decide to go for the touchdown, so they get lined back up and quickly after the ball is snapped. Before the quarterback can throw the ball, my boyfriend Sam sacks him.


After the game gets over I make my way down to the field, through the crowd to find Sam. Once I spot him, I run up to him jumping in his arms.

"Nice job babe"

"Thanks darling" he says, pecking me on the lips.

"C'mon Sam! Stop kissing your girlfriend, Coach wants to talk to us in the locker room" one of his teammates yells, as Sam groans which causes me to laugh.

"I'll meet you in the car" I say.

"Okay love you" he says as he runs into the locker room.

"Love you too!" I yell after him.


In the middle of the night, I wake up to an empty bed. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I get up to go find Sam. I find him in the living room staring at the wall.

"Babe?" I say letting out a yawn.

"Huh?" he says, snapping out of his daydream.

"It's like two, come back to bed" I say leaning against the doorway.

"Fine" he says, following me up to our room. We both crawl into bed, I turn to face him but he's faced the other way.

"Sam what's wrong?" I ask, worried.

"I'm worried about the playoffs, it's stressing me out." he says, turning to face me.

"You did really good today, I'm really proud of you. I'm sure you'll do great next week and for the rest of the playoffs"

" yeah but I almost cost us the game" he says.

"Well everyone makes mistakes and you win as a team, you lose as one. I love you Sam nothings gonna change that" I say looking into his green eyes.

"How'd I get so lucky?" he says, as I let out a small laugh, before leaning in and kissing him.

"Now let's go to bed" I say as he lays his head on my chest. I play with his hair until he falls asleep. 

a/n: I tried to write this in third person but I just couldn't follow through with it. I hope you guys like it, I  hope it's what you asked for when you requested this, if not I'm sorry and happy February 1st!

also please keep requesting it helps me out a lot. :) 

requested by :AlleyxH_ngm_n 

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