one of my shirts ~ sam hubbard

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one of my shirts ~ sam hubbard 

It's been a few months since y/n found out she was carrying her boyfriend Sam's baby. They decided to keep it between them for a while, and get used to the idea of becoming parents since it was kinda unexpected, but nothingless they were happy as could be.

Today the Bengals were playing at home against the Steelers, and Sam was getting very impatient due to the fact his pregnant girlfriend was taking forever to get ready.

"Babe! Are you ready yet?" He said walking into their room to find y/n on the floor with pretty much her whole wardrobe scattered across the room.

"I can't find anything to wear. Everything I try on shows my bump." She says, sniffling.

"Hey, hey come here."

She makes her way over to him, as he wraps one arm around her waist, and places the other on her belly.

"Why don't you wear one of my shirts? I'm sure you'll look better in it than I do anyways. " He says, which causes her to laugh. 

a/n: okay I know this is really short, but I didn't know what to add to it, and thought it was really cute how it was. 

Also sorry I haven't updated in a while, I haven't had much time to write, and have had no motivation but I'm hoping that will change but don't get your hopes up. 

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