ch 1 - sunny days

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Sunny was the opposite of his name.

When you think of someone named "Sunny" you'd think of an outgoing, cheerful, and overall happy person wouldn't you?
We all would.
But Sunny!
Oh Sunny... he was a different case.

Sunny laid in his bed, submerged in a complicated dream as he lies still.
Only a few days till he moves, what better to do then sleep?

It had been awhile since he last went outside, he had simply lost track of time. Each year that went by was similar to the previous. Just a continuous cycle of: Sleep, wake up, sleep, eat, sleep, and repeat.

Sunny wasted 6 years mourning Mari, his beloved sister who died due to his careless actions. But no one knew that. No one but him and Basil.

Sunny lie still in his bed, the only movement being his chest rising, then slowly falling.

[ knock , knock ]



Another knock echoed through the house.

"Sunnyyyy!! c'mon man, it's been forever since we've talked!"
A voice was speaking loud enough to be heard through the house walls, and it sounded familiar... and comforting.

After 5 minutes of endless knocking and pleading for Sunny to open the door it stopped.
The knocking stopped, as well as the ringing in Sunny's ears.

Sunny, ready to fall back into a deep sleep closed his eyes.

Until a distressing sound came from his window, it was like someone was trying to break in, like someone was gonna kill Sunny. But if that were the case he wouldn't object,
he'd want that.

KEL's pov)

I've had enough of this.
It's been 6 years since I've last seen Sunny, and I'm really worried at this point.

However, yeah I'm a positive person-- this has been going on for too long! I don't even know if he's alright, or if somethings happened .

Sunny hasn't gone outside since Mari's funeral. I know we have all coped in different  ways ,  but Sunny's method is unhealthy  .

And, that's my reasoning as to why I decided to take matters into my own hands. Hero said not to bother Sunny, and to let him adjust-- but I have to!


The window rattled as someone desperately tried to enter, Sunny watched, unfazed.

The window finally broke open, unable to withstand so much force.
Yet somehow it opened without the glass cracking.

" Sunny...?" Kel called out to the short boy

Sunny watched as Kel struggled to enter through the window, and thought to himself--

What's Kel doing here, and why is he so...

        different looking?
He looks...

Sunny quickly pushed that thought away.


"Sunny?" Kel said trying to catch the other boys attention .

A silence filled the air

"Why didn't you answer!! I've been knocking for 6 years...!" Kel said with desperation lacing his sentence.

A sense of guilt panged his stomach. Six years? Had it really been that long? It didn't feel so, it only felt like a month.   Sunny guessed sleeping took its toll on his memory.

"..." The raven haired boy had no reply.

Sunny felt bad and averted his eyes to the floor as if he were a child being lectured by an adult.


"Listen- I'm sorry Sunny it's just that I've been so worried about you and i-"
Kel began to fumble his words as tears blurred his vision.

"I'm sorry."

This was Kels breakthrough ,  after not showing negative emotions for a while and always being happy - go lucky,  seeing Sunny right in front of him shattered his facade .

As soon as Kel started tearing up Sunny went up to the tall boy, and hugged him awkwardly,                                   he'd never been the best hugger per se.

While Sunny had a grasp on Kel he could feel the how strong he was, muscle had grown on the boy and glimmered from the light the sun casted. 

Sunny got lost in his own thoughts as his cheeks tinted a light pink

Birds tweeted sweet melodies outside as Kel collected himself and let go of the hug.

The taller boy looked down, and profusely apologized to Sunny.

"Hey, uhm... I'm sorry... again, haha" Kel awkwardly chuckled as he put his   ' happy face '   back on.

The hushed burr of the a.c unit rang through the empty walls, filling the silence.

Oh crap, what now? Kel thought.                                                  

I can't  just break into my childhood friend's house, and start sobbing as he hugs me!? What's wrong with me! Stupid, stupid, stupid Kel!  The brunette boy thought to himself.

However Sunny was confused as to why--  no,   what was happening.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Sunny... I don't know what was running through my dumb head..!" Kel said, attempting to put on a believable grin

"...uhh its-" Sunny spoke  "--it's fine."

Kel smiled at Sunny, it was always nice to hear him talk, no matter how raspy or dead his voice might be at the moment.

"So." Kel said 

"I actually came here for a reason, that being i wanted to hang out with you! Would you wanna join me at the park? Or Hobbeez?"


Sunny thought about it for a moment, he hadn't gone out in a long time. He had completely forgotten when the last time hes been outside. What had changed since his earlier years? 

He stood there lost in thought; motionless

"Hey! Sunny? Sunnyyyy!!" Kel shook his hands in front of Sunny, which made the short boy jump in place.

Sunny-- startled; zoned back in and gave a quick nod.

"So you agree to come with me, great!!" Kel yelled out


' No! Ahh... I don't wan- ' Sunny's thoughts got interrupted by a firm grasp on his wrist causing him to wince in pain.

Sunny let out a quick,  semi-quiet yelp)

"Oh, are you ok!? I'm sorry! I-"

"Oh yeAh, I'm fine!" Sunny anxiously answered.

"Really? ok!" Kel moved on.

' ...I'll take that as a win. ' Sunny sighed, lost in thought

"Well c'mon slowpoke!!" Kel yelled, running out of the front door

Sunny and Kel left the house and began to walk to the old store full of childhood memories.

               ~~  ' '    H o b b e e z    ' '


Words in the chapter: 1000+ (300+ over my goal!?)  -  {2/22/23}

I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter, as previously stated-- I'm still rusty to writing so I tried my hardest!! But really, thank you for reading this it means a lot to me! 

(also rq, im begging you to comment-- or interact... please!!)

Sincerely your author, Zen <3

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