Chapter 2 - Bradford

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I woke up later than I wanted to, being met by Kojo's slobbery face next to me, looking up at me. I laughed, getting up and heading to let him outside to go potty before making his and my breakfast. Kojo gobbled the food up, taking a break for a drink of water before continuing to eat. I ended up scrolling through old pictures of Chen and I when we were still patrolling together, and after that. She had taken so many random photos of me, ones of me just sitting there, ones of me sleeping, which were kind of embarrassing but I still loved them. They reminded me of her, her happiness, her ability to see the good in every situation, whether it was good or bad. I knew it was probably time to move on, she had been dead for almost two years now, but something inside of me felt like she wasn't really gone, that she was just out somewhere. I wanted to believe that my wife could still be alive so badly, but part of me also didn't believe what I was thinking. They had done many investigations into her disappearance and found nothing. They looked through everything, but still nothing.

I ended up going on a run with Kojo, like I did most mornings before my shift. It was a nice and sunny day, with it also not being to hot. The perfect weather for runs in my opinion.

" What am I supposed to do Kojo?"

Sergeant Grey had called us in early to the station. I quickly put on my uniform, grabbing the truck keys, saying bye to Kojo, and headed out the door, locking it up behind me. The drive to work was fast, and I arrived there in about 5 minutes. Harper, Lopez, and Nolan were already waiting when I got inside the station.

" Anyone know what this is about? " Nolan asked, looking at all of us.

We all didn't know. Before heading in the briefing room, I went over to the board near the center of the precinct, labelled " Fallen Heros". There hanging was a picture of Officer Lucy Chen, she looked so happy in it. My eyes began to water as I held back the tears urging to come out.

" Miss you Luce " I whispered, Turing around and going into the briefing room.

Inside, Harper and Nolan were seated near the front, Lopez at the table next to them. I sat next to Lopez and looked towards the front, where Sergeant Grey had been standing.

" Ok, you guys are probably wondering why I called you guys in early. First, thank you for getting here so quickly." Grey said, pressing a button on the remote in his hand, the screen switching on.

" Last night we got some Intel on an ongoing drug gang, there leader, Rio Shaw. " Grey said, a picture of Rio flashing onto the screen.

" If this has something to do with a gang, then why dont we have other teams here right now?" Harper asked, leaning forward in her chair.

" Also, where did this information come from?" Lopez asked.

" Yes, we do have other teams looking into Rio and his crew right now, and the lead was found in a backpack that was sitting in the stations lobby early this morning. The security cameras caught this." Grey said, a video playing.

" As you can see, the suspect leaves the bag there, then leaves. They never once look at the cameras though." Grey started.

" It's like they know where all of them are." I say, analyzing the video in my head.

" Yes, so we believe that this person has past knowledge of the station, possibly an old officer. They know their stuff, so most likely an undercover officer, or one with some undercover work behind them. People will be combing over all the information, I would keep an eye out while your on the streets for anything that could help us figure out who this mystery informant is. We have our suspicions, but those won't be disclosed until after we have all the facts. Stay safe out there everyone."

Patrol was normal, a few intoxicated people too drunk to function, some minor car accidents, and a few more minor things. It was a pretty slow shift for the most part. There was one break in at a gas station near by, which was pretty straight forward.

At about noon, Grey had asked if I could meet him at the hospital. Apparently they had found something that could help with the investigation. I headed over there, asking Grey what was going on when I met him in the waiting room.

" Ok, Bradford I need you to listen very closely. You don't need to go in there." Grey said.

" What do you mean? Isn't our lead in there." I said, pointing at the hospital room.

" Tim, we've got this." Lopez said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

" Why are you guys trying to keep me away from this?"

" Tim.... It's Lucy." Grey said, blocking the way to the room.

" No... She died..... We all went to her funeral." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

I could believe it. How could she be alive. Lucy was alive..... My wife was alive......
A/N: I am so sorry that it took me so long to finish this chapter, I just really haven't been able to think of many ideas on it, and have just had it on the back of my mind. I hope that all of you have a good day or night. Bye for now!

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