Chapter 5 - Lopez

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- Earlier that day -

We were all standing in the briefing room, listening to the newest information on an ongoing case for over two years now, one that involved multiple busts on our front. The only constant in all of them was the person who seemed to be helping us, handing us all of the information we needed in order to convict them. One that now we know the name of, someone many of us called a friend, and for some a lover. Officer Lucy Chen, Tims old boot turned wife.

" The person of interest was last seen in the hospital, and so far we haven't had any hard leads on where she could have gone. All that we know as of right now is that she has bit been seen in any of the local hospitals, and if she is we will be notified. That's all for now, be safe " Grey said, calling the briefing to an end, all the officers going their separate ways, back to their assignments.

I headed off to my desk, pulling up my files in the case and reviewing the evidence that had been taken at the hospital when Chen suddenly disappeared. Somehow she was able to escape the patrol cars that had been dispatched all around the area after we noticed the empty room that held her. I leaned back in my seat, rubbing the bridge of my nose for a second, and taking a few deep breaths.

" You ok Lopez?" Harper asked from her desk, just across the way from where I was sitting.

" Yea, just trying to figure out where she could have gone " I responded, sitting up straight in my chair. " I really hope that wherever she is, she's safe "

To that Harper just stood in silence, her facial expression going from her semi concerned one to a face I didn't recognize.

We stayed there in silence for a few minutes, both of us staring off into the distance, partially zoning out. Then it finally hit me on where I should look next, so I quickly got back on my computer, typing away quickly as I searched up footage from another street cam that had a visual of a back road located about 10 minutes away from the hospital.

I studied the footage, mostly it was just a few people venturing into the small back road because they got turned around or they had just randomly stumbled along it. The road wasn't a very common place to know of, and it was mostly used as a place where some of the shops would sit, waiting to bust someone.

" Got her " I said, waving Harper over and replaying the footage at a slower pace, showing someone who looked exactly like chen's description walking out of the small alleyway connected to the road and hopping into a small black suburban before they drove off.

" Looks like they went off south, what all is out there? " Harper asked, studying the footage more closely as it was replayed again. " Damnit, there's no visual on the license plate number. Can you see them on any other street cams? "

" Looking into it right now, all that's out that way is some apartment complexes really. " I said, Harper going back to her computer so we could both scan the cams for any visuals.


Around half an hour later we had finally tracked the car down close to a location about 30 minutes away from where the hospital was located, though we ended up losing them soon after that as they had left the car, heading off on foot, avoiding most of the street cams when they passed them. We still had an idea on their location though, and enough evidence for a search team to be dispatched to the surrounding area.

Me and Harper ended up going off inside a shop together, the other two teams consisting of Nolan, Thorsen, Juarez, and Nolan's rookie McLain.

Everyone got their orders and locations they would be looking at, me and Harper taking a small park area a few minutes away from the last sighting, everyone else being spread out throughout the area.

We arrived within about 30 minutes, parking the shop off towards the side of the road, hopping out of the shop and switching our radios to Channel 5 before heading off our opposite ways to cover more ground.

" Radio if you hear or see anything " I said through the radio, starting to look around.

There were a few kids playing at the park from 10 years old to small babies that were maybe months old, as well as some elderly individuals and people exercising and sitting around the area.

" All clear on the west side " I heard Harper say through the radio. " Anything for you guys? "

" Nothing yet, let you know if anything changes. " Nolans voice said through the radio, followed by Thorsen and Juarez saying around the same thing.

" Clear on the South side " I said, looking all around me until someone caught my eye. " I have a possible sighting stand by for more info. Out "

I moved towards the individual watching as two kids maybe about 2- 3 years old ran off somewhere, the woman's eyes following after them with a smile on her face.

" Chen? " I asked, watching as the person turned around, causing me to pause for a second.

There she was standing right in front of me, Officer Lucy Chen.

" Hey Officer Lopez "

" Lopez come in, Angela " The radio boomed, Greys voice coming through.

" Grey? What's up?" I questioned, turning away a bit from where Chen was standing, still keeping an eye out to see if she tried to run off again.

I listened to what Grey had to say before turning back to Chen, the two toddlers from earlier by her side, tugging at her arm.

" Hey loves, why don't you two go start to pack up your toys please and thank you " Chen said, kneeling down to their level before watching them go off and turning back to me.

" I can explain everything "


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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