Chapter 4 - Chen

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I woke up at around 5, tetraing myself away from the kids to not wake them. I stood there for a second, just soaking in the moment before I had to start getting ready for the day.

I made my way downstairs, starting on brewing some coffee before I worked on figuring out what to make for breakfast. It was a bit weird to not have a case to worry about, but nice. I still kept track of the progress of it, just in case. Soon the coffee was done, and I started on breakfast, which included eggs, bacon, and some pancakes.

It took a good 20-30 minutes for all of the food to be finished, perfect timing as it was time to get the kids up and around.

" Morning babes" I quietly said, opening the door to their room. Both of them had the biggest smile on their faces when they saw me.

I ended up having to carry them out of the room, one on each hip as they were both still waking up. I got them all set up for breakfast at the table, pouring a glass of milk in their cups for them and bringing out their food.

In the past 2 ish years I have been raising the kids myself, 3 months pregnant when I went undercover. When I found out it was too late, I couldn't leave my undercover position. I finished that assignment about 3 weeks later, though I was told to stay under as that was just stage one. I found people I could trust along the way, who have really helped me with the kids when I had to go back undercover for the past week.

The kids were born prematurely, about a month before their due date. I had an emergency C-section, and had to stay in the hospital for about two weeks with Sam, who had some lung issues when he was born. I did wish that Tim was there with me through it all. I didn't even get the chance to tell him I was pregnant in the first place as I didn't find out until right before I went on the mission.

I didn't have any of the usual signs of pregnancy in the beginning, and even throughout it I didn't show much until a few weeks before the twins were born. There were definitely some challenges through the time, and it was hard. Really hard. I made it though, and now I have two of the most amazing children in the world.

Aria was smart like her father, and stubborn at times too. Sam was more like me in many ways, but they both had Tims blueish grey eyes, and my nose.

" All done " Sam said, grabbing my attention back to what was happening.

" Ok, Aria are you done?" I asked, bringing the plate over to the sink. She nodded and I grabbed the rest of the dishes from the table. " Ok, how about we go get ready babes, how about the park later?"

" Ya! " Aria said, shooting her arms up into the air in excitement.

I grabbed both of their hands, walked them towards their bedroom, and picked out some clothes for them to wear. We opted for a dino shirt and leggings for Aria, and a paw patrol shirt and jeans for Sam.

" Ok, let's get your hair done, and teeth brushed then we can head out after mama gets ready "

I brought them to the bathroom, sitting each of them on the counter and getting the toothbrushes ready, helping them if needed. I brushed out both of their hair, braiding Arias into two small braids. I turned on some paw patrol to keep them entertained in the living room while I quickly got ready as well.

Today it was just me and the kids, which was nice, though we did have a doctor's appointment scheduled for later that afternoon for a checkup. I packed a few snacks and fluids for the park in my bag, turning off the TV and getting the kids shoes on.

" Park time " I said, loading them into the car and strapping them into their car seats.

The park was about 15 minutes from the house, but it was closer to the doctors office than the other one. I parked, unbuckling the kids from the car before walking down to the littles section of the park. The area was fenced in, and there was only one way to get into it. The kids played for about 15 minutes before taking a break to get some water and to reapply sunscreen.

" Mama " Sam said, grabbing my hand.

" What's up sweety? "

" Whos that?" He said, pointing towards someone.

I turned my head, my gaze following where he was pointed. There standing about maybe 10 feet away where two officers standing by their shop. One of them caught my gaze, and I turned away in shock. It couldn't be.... No.... It can't be.

" It's just some officers honey, nothing to worry about. " I checked the time, we had a while until we were needing to leave for the twins appointment.

" Owie " Aria said after she fell on the concrete, tears filling the brim of her eyes.

" Come here sweetheart, it's ok. " I said, entering mom mode, I grabbed a bandaid and some antibacterial cream out of the bag.

It was just a little scrap, nothing to bad. I cleaned off the dirty around it with a baby wipe before putting the cream and bandaid into the cut. " How does that feel?"

" Better "

They continued playing for another 10 minutes, and I was pushing them both on the swings, huge smiles on their faces as they swung. I kept some of my focus on the two officers who were currently scanning the area, one of them coming closer to where I was.

" Chen?" I heard a familiar voice say as they approached the gate.

" I'll be right back you two " I whispered to the kids, walking over to the fence.

" Hi officer Lopez "


A/n: Hi, I'm so sorry that this update took forever to be updated. I hope that all of you and a great holiday and have a happy new year!

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