
5K 86 74


Jamie - Prince Charming
Bailey - Belle
Trinity - Little Sister
Jack - Jack and the bean stock
Britain - King
Megara - Princess

Hi everyone it's nice to somewhat meet you
I'm a big fan

Little Sister
Hi I'm a big fan
It's so good to meet you

Hi again we've met before

YES hi Bailey

Hi it's nice to meet you

It's very nice to meet the person Jack is obsessed with


Jack and the Bean Stock

Little Sister
I mean he's not wrong



To say Megara had fun talking to everyone was an understatement.

She doesn't think she has laughed that much for a while.

After sitting down and watching the Sturniolo Triplets, who she loves, she decided to go to the kitchen and go live while baking a cake.

TheMegaeaJackson is now live

"Hi, guys" she greets the fans "I'm just going to make a red velvet cake and thought I would answer some questions you would have".

As she is baking and putting the ingredients together she continues to answer questions.

"What is my favorite book? At the moment I'm reading Harry Potter again so I would say that. By the way, I used to have the biggest crush on Harry Potter" she laughed.


"What is my obsession at the moment? Um I would say watching the Sturniolo Triplets and Suburb Talks, on youtube"


After letting the cake bake and pulling it out while still answering questions, she notices a special someone joins.

jackchampion has joined the live
jackchampion has requested to join the live

And without hesitation, she clicks the accept button.

Meg is shocked when she sees how attractive Jack looks at the moment. He seems to be lying in bed, with a t-shirt, and messy hair.

"Jack!!!" "Meg!!!" they both laugh as they greet each other with equal excitement.

The fans seem to notice the excitement when seeing each other and are thrown into a frenzy.

"What are you doing right now?" Meg asks

"Ummm watching Wednesday..." Jack laughed quietly obviously a little embarrassed about being caught.

But Megara can't help herself laugh a little when she notices the redness growing and spreading through his face.

"WHAT! I can't help myself you just look too beautiful in it" Now Jack cant helpless now being the confident one, once he notices Meg is now the one blushing.

"tu eres tan lindo" Meg replies (You are just to cute)

Jack can't help himself from having a giddy smile, when she talks to him in Spanish, finding it very attractive.

Time flies by while Meg and Jack are chatting live, while the fans have a field trip while the two actors are shamelessly flirting, while Meg decorates her cake.


Meg - Meg 🤭🥹
Jack - Jack💪🫶

I like when you speak to me in Spanish🫠


Not the best, sorry I've been busy, school is kicking my butt and I haven't had time to write, but you for sure will be getting updates every weekend, and hopefully soon during the weekend.

Fangirl ~ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now