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Meg and Jack had decided to take a little break from social media knowing that there was probably chaos from the fact that they went public.

Not only that it was getting to their one-year anniversary that they met. Their dating anniversary was quite funky as they did break up for a while so it would be a while till they would celebrate their rekindling relationship.

Not only that but Jack had gradually moved his thing into Meg's house. It became a topic between them, should they move in together. Jack of course was into the idea before Meg could get all her words out. However, Meg was thinking about moving somewhere else a nicer quiet place for the duo.


Jack had gone out to the store while Meg cooked some dinner for later.

However while Jack was just supposed to buy more food as they were starting to run low,  you can imagine Meg's shock when the man brought himself in with boxes of legos.

"What the hell did you do?" Meg says as she steps into the living room while Jack puts down the boxes on the floor in front of the TV in the living room.

"I brought legos" Jack turns to her with a big grin. "I thought we could bing movies by making all of them," Jack says as he turns around grabs the box of legos that contained a bouquet, and starts "Look I got these for you".

Meg couldn't even be mad with how much money these all cost when the 6'3 teddy bear turned to him in his sweet smile, hoodie, messy hair, and his arms stretched out with the Lego box.

It wasn't a shock to find them later on well into the night building some Lego sets together.

A few hours later the couple had gotten bored enough that they chose to go live.

Now that the couple was public when Jack opened up his life everyone imminently started talking about the duo.

After answering a few funky questions, one caught Meg's attention.

As she saw it she gave a small laugh and told Jack "This one said have you really taken in that you married your celeb crush, and how is it?"

Jack turned to look a Meg had a dreamy smile but it dropped in shock.

"Oh my gosh I haven't realized that" Jack got so excited that he got up and started jumping around he then ran back to Meg and gave her a big kiss in front of the camera before saying "That's fucking crazy little me would be so happy" he then proceeded to go around the room again while yelling 'i am the champion'.


It's been a few months and the couple was living the dream. 

The two had made the huge decision to move together to California purely for the reason of going to Disneyland.

They moved into a secluded neighborhood where it was mostly of the elderly.

The first couple of weeks were just them moving in their stuff. 

Well, Jack brought all the boxes while Meg organized everything because she did not trust Jack to do it.

However, she did let Jack set up his cat equipment and jungle for Buttercup.

Most of the house had been managed at this point and the couple were settling in their bedroom to have a small date night. 

which consisted of coms, sweets, and cuddles.

Jack was a very cuddly person and with his huge size, her practically swallowed Meg.

"Jack I can't breathe," Meg says dramatically as she pretends to gasp.

"I know..shh," Jack plays along as he lays his weight on her grabs one of the pillows around them, and pretends to suffocate her.

This ultimately led to Meg grabbing one as well and the two then indulged in a pillow fight.


The couple were currently out walking around in the small town outside their neighborhood running errands.

Which just meant they walked around in all the stores and looked at everything yet bought nothing.

Well besides the bag of books that Jack was carrying for Meg.

However, eventually, the couple found themselves at the grocery shop walking around trying to decide what they would have for dinner for the next few days.

While walking around Jack leabed while pushing the cart and Mge held onto the side of it walking down the sides.

When walking down a particular sile however the couple ran into a much older one.

Meg had stopped to admire the old couple, and Jack was admiring the chips.

While walking near them however the old lady stopped her.

"Oh, you guys make such a cute couple. I just know you'll get married one day" the old lady said with a smile on her face.

Meg was lost for words for a second when Jack swooped in and saved her.

"Thank you I know we will too" as he wrapped his arm around her and led her away while leaving a kiss on her temple.

Fangirl ~ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now