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To say my nerves were acting up would be an understatement. This is my first time seeing Jack in person since the Golden Globes.

What if he sees how I actually act and decides this whole flirting thing is a mistake?

Im currently getting ready to head over to Bailey's house. I have the matching pjs Bailey wanted us to get, skincare, makeup (just in case), and snacks.

Once I have made sure I got everything I head to my car in order to start heading to Bailey's house.


I can't believe I'm doing this.

Im in the car with Jamie and Britian. They're currently trying to hype me up to get rid of my nerves. It's not really working.

"Come on man, once you walk into the building, looking all hot and shit, she will literally fall in love with you and you'll live happily ever after the end," Jamie says exasperated with having to repeatedly say encouraging things.

"Yeah, I mean it might not go exactly like that. But I'm sure you will laugh at yourself later when you wonder why you were even nervous in the first place" Britian said.

"Yeah, your right I have nothing to worry about," I say sure of myself. That was until I say we arrived at Bailey's house, and sitting there in the driveway was Bailey's car, and another one I was not familiar with.

Which could only mean one thing.

She's here.

"Oh forget it I can't do it" I exclaimed while trying to become one with Jamie's car, so I won't have to embarrass myself in front of her.

"Oh my... Jack!" I turn to Jamie as he's finally at his boiling point "I'm not trying to get mushy or anything but, you and Britain are my brothers, and I would never lie to either of you. That is why I have so much confidence when saying that when you go in there and meet the potential love of your life you will be fine. Wanna know why? It's because we will be there for you. And you never know this could turn out really great for you, possibly ending in a date between you two" Jamie says.

"You really mean that?" I say turning to him, tearing up a little on peruse because I know it will get on his nerves.

"Yes," Jamie sighs.

I turn to Britain and we give each other a look. Before we attack Jamie with hugs.

"OH get off my you lumps" he yells while I and Britna laugh as he gets uncomfortable.

"Ok I'm ready" I exclaim while we all get out of the car walking up to the building.



"I can't do this. what if he takes one look at me and decided that I'm ugly or something and that I'm not good enough or whatever" I exclaim while pacing around the kitchen while helping Bailey bake, and Trinity sits at the table watching.

"First of all that's crazy talk" Triboty trumpets me"Jack is like my brother, and trust me when I know he will not say any of those things. If anything when he looks at you he will fall in love at first sight".

"Thank you, Trinity, that actually made me feel a lot better" I turn to her giving her a hug.

"Yeah and if anything just pull out some Spanish and he will be at your feet" Bailey laughs while winking at me.

"Oh yeah, when we used to watch your interviews he would always faint when you spoke Spanish because he thought it was really attractive" Trinity giggles, I can't help but laugh as well.

"I'll keep that in mind" I wink at them both.

Right at that moment the doorbell rings.

They're here.

Bailey goes to open the door, while I and Trinity continue to chat in the kitchen as I take the cupcakes out of the oven.

I hear the boys chatting with Bailey as they walk over.

I hear jacks voice as he walks over.

the soothing, calming, tone of his voice as he talks, and the flowy ness as he laughs.

When they turn the corner I am putting the cupcakes down and take off my mittens.

I see them.

I see him.

They see me.

He sees me.


What I say at the Golden Globes is nothing compared to now.

Then he was wearing a suit with his hair styled back.

Now he is just here in a hoodie, sweatpants, and his hair all curly and fluffy.

I think my heart stopped.


The guys and I are met at the door by Bailey.

As we are walking in I can hear the sound of her voice talking with Triniyt.

Her angelic, magical voice and she laughs the one I could sit and listen to for hours.

The laugh that I want to be the cause of.

We turn the corner to the kitchen where Bailey was leading us.

I see them.

I see her.

They see me.

She sees me.

Words can even begin to explain how I feel. I don't think anything ever could.

To say she looked beautiful would not be enough.


She just stands there and takes my breath away.

Not even doing anything except taking off mittens from baking.

She's just standing there wearing a shirt and sweatpants, and she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I want to stand here forever and just watch her, not in a creepy way of course, but in an admiring way.

And I just about pass out when she speaks.



I feel so single 🤣 just kidding. Dang Jack in this chapter is something else. Writing this has my expectations going high again.

Thank you for reading im excited for the next chapter.

Fangirl ~ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now